ReactOS 0.4.15-dev-8434-g155a7c7
IWMReaderNetworkConfig Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IWMReaderNetworkConfig:
Collaboration diagram for IWMReaderNetworkConfig:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT GetBufferingTime ([out] QWORD *buffering_time)
HRESULT SetBufferingTime ([in] QWORD buffering_time)
HRESULT GetUDPPortRanges ([out, size_is(*ranges)] WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE *array, [in, out] DWORD *ranges)
HRESULT SetUDPPortRanges ([in, size_is(ranges)] WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE *array, [in] DWORD ranges)
HRESULT GetProxySettings ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [out] WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS *proxy)
HRESULT SetProxySettings ([in] LPCWSTR protocol, [in] WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS proxy)
HRESULT GetProxyHostName ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [out, size_is(*size)] WCHAR *hostname, [in, out] DWORD *size)
HRESULT SetProxyHostName ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [in] const WCHAR *hostname)
HRESULT GetProxyPort ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [out] DWORD *port)
HRESULT SetProxyPort ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [in] DWORD port)
HRESULT GetProxyExceptionList ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [out, size_is(*count)] WCHAR *exceptions, [in, out] DWORD *count)
HRESULT SetProxyExceptionList ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [in] const WCHAR *exceptions)
HRESULT GetProxyBypassForLocal ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [out] BOOL *bypass)
HRESULT SetProxyBypassForLocal ([in] const WCHAR *protocol, [in] BOOL bypass)
HRESULT GetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection ([out] BOOL *detection)
HRESULT SetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection ([in] BOOL detection)
HRESULT GetEnableMulticast ([out] BOOL *multicast)
HRESULT SetEnableMulticast ([in] BOOL multicast)
HRESULT GetEnableHTTP ([out] BOOL *enable)
HRESULT SetEnableHTTP ([in] BOOL enable)
HRESULT GetEnableUDP ([out] BOOL *enable)
HRESULT SetEnableUDP ([in] BOOL enable)
HRESULT GetEnableTCP ([out] BOOL *enable)
HRESULT SetEnableTCP ([in] BOOL enable)
HRESULT ResetProtocolRollover ()
HRESULT GetConnectionBandwidth ([out] DWORD *bandwidth)
HRESULT SetConnectionBandwidth ([in] DWORD bandwidth)
HRESULT GetNumProtocolsSupported ([out] DWORD *protocols)
HRESULT GetSupportedProtocolName ([in] DWORD protocol_num, [out, size_is(*size)] WCHAR *protocol, [in, out] DWORD *size)
HRESULT AddLoggingUrl ([in] const WCHAR *url)
HRESULT GetLoggingUrl ([in] DWORD index, [out, size_is(*size)] WCHAR *url, [in, out] DWORD *size)
HRESULT GetLoggingUrlCount ([out] DWORD *count)
HRESULT ResetLoggingUrlList ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Detailed Description

Definition at line 1469 of file wmsdkidl.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddLoggingUrl()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::AddLoggingUrl ( [in] const WCHAR url)

◆ GetBufferingTime()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetBufferingTime ( [out] QWORD buffering_time)

◆ GetConnectionBandwidth()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetConnectionBandwidth ( [out] DWORD bandwidth)

◆ GetEnableHTTP()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetEnableHTTP ( [out] BOOL enable)

◆ GetEnableMulticast()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetEnableMulticast ( [out] BOOL multicast)

◆ GetEnableTCP()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetEnableTCP ( [out] BOOL enable)

◆ GetEnableUDP()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetEnableUDP ( [out] BOOL enable)

◆ GetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection ( [out] BOOL detection)

◆ GetLoggingUrl()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetLoggingUrl ( [in] DWORD  index,
[out, size_is(*size)] WCHAR url,
[in, out] DWORD size 

◆ GetLoggingUrlCount()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetLoggingUrlCount ( [out] DWORD count)

◆ GetNumProtocolsSupported()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetNumProtocolsSupported ( [out] DWORD protocols)

◆ GetProxyBypassForLocal()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetProxyBypassForLocal ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,
[out] BOOL bypass 

◆ GetProxyExceptionList()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetProxyExceptionList ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,
[out, size_is(*count)] WCHAR exceptions,
[in, out] DWORD count 

◆ GetProxyHostName()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetProxyHostName ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,
[out, size_is(*size)] WCHAR hostname,
[in, out] DWORD size 

◆ GetProxyPort()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetProxyPort ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,
[out] DWORD port 

◆ GetProxySettings()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetProxySettings ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,

◆ GetSupportedProtocolName()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetSupportedProtocolName ( [in] DWORD  protocol_num,
[out, size_is(*size)] WCHAR protocol,
[in, out] DWORD size 

◆ GetUDPPortRanges()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::GetUDPPortRanges ( [out, size_is(*ranges)] WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE array,
[in, out] DWORD ranges 

◆ ResetLoggingUrlList()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::ResetLoggingUrlList ( )

◆ ResetProtocolRollover()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::ResetProtocolRollover ( )

◆ SetBufferingTime()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetBufferingTime ( [in] QWORD  buffering_time)

◆ SetConnectionBandwidth()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetConnectionBandwidth ( [in] DWORD  bandwidth)

◆ SetEnableHTTP()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetEnableHTTP ( [in] BOOL  enable)

◆ SetEnableMulticast()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetEnableMulticast ( [in] BOOL  multicast)

◆ SetEnableTCP()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetEnableTCP ( [in] BOOL  enable)

◆ SetEnableUDP()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetEnableUDP ( [in] BOOL  enable)

◆ SetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection ( [in] BOOL  detection)

◆ SetProxyBypassForLocal()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetProxyBypassForLocal ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,
[in] BOOL  bypass 

◆ SetProxyExceptionList()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetProxyExceptionList ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,
[in] const WCHAR exceptions 

◆ SetProxyHostName()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetProxyHostName ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,
[in] const WCHAR hostname 

◆ SetProxyPort()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetProxyPort ( [in] const WCHAR protocol,
[in] DWORD  port 

◆ SetProxySettings()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetProxySettings ( [in] LPCWSTR  protocol,

◆ SetUDPPortRanges()

HRESULT IWMReaderNetworkConfig::SetUDPPortRanges ( [in, size_is(ranges)] WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE array,
[in] DWORD  ranges 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: