ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-188-g678aa63
JoystickGenericImpl Struct Reference

#include <joystick_private.h>

Collaboration diagram for JoystickGenericImpl:

Public Attributes

struct IDirectInputDeviceImpl base
ObjProps props [MAX_PROPS]
GUID guidProduct
GUID guidInstance
int device_axis_count
int button_map [MAX_MAP_BUTTONS]
LONG deadzone

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file joystick_private.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ axis_map

int* JoystickGenericImpl::axis_map

Definition at line 52 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ base

struct IDirectInputDeviceImpl JoystickGenericImpl::base

Definition at line 43 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ button_map

int JoystickGenericImpl::button_map[MAX_MAP_BUTTONS]

Definition at line 53 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ deadzone

LONG JoystickGenericImpl::deadzone

Definition at line 54 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ devcaps

DIDEVCAPS JoystickGenericImpl::devcaps

Definition at line 46 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ device_axis_count

int JoystickGenericImpl::device_axis_count

Definition at line 51 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ guidInstance

GUID JoystickGenericImpl::guidInstance

Definition at line 49 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ guidProduct

GUID JoystickGenericImpl::guidProduct

Definition at line 48 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ joy_polldev

joy_polldev_handler* JoystickGenericImpl::joy_polldev

Definition at line 56 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ js

DIJOYSTATE2 JoystickGenericImpl::js

Definition at line 47 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ name

char* JoystickGenericImpl::name

Definition at line 50 of file joystick_private.h.

◆ props

ObjProps JoystickGenericImpl::props[MAX_PROPS]

Definition at line 45 of file joystick_private.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: