ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-178-g8ba6102
IAccessor Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for IAccessor:
Collaboration diagram for IAccessor:

Public Types

- Public Types inherited from IUnknown
typedef IUnknownLPUNKNOWN

Public Member Functions

HRESULT AddRefAccessor ([in] HACCESSOR hAccessor, [in, out, unique, annotation("__out_opt")] DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount)
HRESULT RemoteAddRefAccessor ([in] HACCESSOR hAccessor, [in, out, unique] DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount, [out] IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem)
HRESULT CreateAccessor ([in] DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, [in] DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, [in, size_is(cBindings), annotation("__in_ecount(cBindings)")] const DBBINDING rgBindings[], [in] DBLENGTH cbRowSize, [out, annotation("__out")] HACCESSOR *phAccessor, [out, size_is(cBindings), annotation("__out_ecount_opt(cBindings)")] DBBINDSTATUS rgStatus[])
HRESULT RemoteCreateAccessor ([in] DBACCESSORFLAGS dwAccessorFlags, [in] DBCOUNTITEM cBindings, [in, unique, size_is((ULONG) cBindings)] DBBINDING *rgBindings, [in] DBLENGTH cbRowSize, [out] HACCESSOR *phAccessor, [in, out, unique, size_is((ULONG) cBindings)] DBBINDSTATUS *rgStatus, [out] IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem)
HRESULT GetBindings ([in] HACCESSOR hAccessor, [out, annotation("__out")] DBACCESSORFLAGS *pdwAccessorFlags, [in, out, annotation("__out_opt")] DBCOUNTITEM *pcBindings, [out, size_is(, *pcBindings), annotation("__deref_out_ecount_opt(*pcBindings)")] DBBINDING **prgBindings)
HRESULT RemoteGetBindings ([in] HACCESSOR hAccessor, [out] DBACCESSORFLAGS *pdwAccessorFlags, [in, out] DBCOUNTITEM *pcBindings, [out, size_is(,(ULONG) *pcBindings)] DBBINDING **prgBindings, [out] IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem)
HRESULT ReleaseAccessor ([in] HACCESSOR hAccessor, [in, out, unique, annotation("__out_opt")] DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount)
HRESULT RemoteReleaseAccessor ([in] HACCESSOR hAccessor, [in, out, unique] DBREFCOUNT *pcRefCount, [out] IErrorInfo **ppErrorInfoRem)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IUnknown
HRESULT QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)
ULONG AddRef ()
ULONG Release ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 24 of file access.idl.

Member Typedef Documentation


Definition at line 27 of file access.idl.


Definition at line 29 of file access.idl.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddRefAccessor()

HRESULT IAccessor::AddRefAccessor ( [in] HACCESSOR  hAccessor,
[in, out, unique, annotation("__out_opt")] DBREFCOUNT pcRefCount 

◆ CreateAccessor()

HRESULT IAccessor::CreateAccessor ( [in] DBACCESSORFLAGS  dwAccessorFlags,
[in] DBCOUNTITEM  cBindings,
[in, size_is(cBindings), annotation("__in_ecount(cBindings)")] const DBBINDING  rgBindings[],
[in] DBLENGTH  cbRowSize,
[out, annotation("__out")] HACCESSOR phAccessor,
[out, size_is(cBindings), annotation("__out_ecount_opt(cBindings)")] DBBINDSTATUS  rgStatus[] 

◆ GetBindings()

HRESULT IAccessor::GetBindings ( [in] HACCESSOR  hAccessor,
[out, annotation("__out")] DBACCESSORFLAGS pdwAccessorFlags,
[in, out, annotation("__out_opt")] DBCOUNTITEM pcBindings,
[out, size_is(, *pcBindings), annotation("__deref_out_ecount_opt(*pcBindings)")] DBBINDING **  prgBindings 

◆ ReleaseAccessor()

HRESULT IAccessor::ReleaseAccessor ( [in] HACCESSOR  hAccessor,
[in, out, unique, annotation("__out_opt")] DBREFCOUNT pcRefCount 

◆ RemoteAddRefAccessor()

HRESULT IAccessor::RemoteAddRefAccessor ( [in] HACCESSOR  hAccessor,
[in, out, unique] DBREFCOUNT pcRefCount,
[out] IErrorInfo **  ppErrorInfoRem 

◆ RemoteCreateAccessor()

HRESULT IAccessor::RemoteCreateAccessor ( [in] DBACCESSORFLAGS  dwAccessorFlags,
[in] DBCOUNTITEM  cBindings,
[in, unique, size_is((ULONG) cBindings)] DBBINDING rgBindings,
[in] DBLENGTH  cbRowSize,
[out] HACCESSOR phAccessor,
[in, out, unique, size_is((ULONG) cBindings)] DBBINDSTATUS rgStatus,
[out] IErrorInfo **  ppErrorInfoRem 

◆ RemoteGetBindings()

HRESULT IAccessor::RemoteGetBindings ( [in] HACCESSOR  hAccessor,
[out] DBACCESSORFLAGS pdwAccessorFlags,
[in, out] DBCOUNTITEM pcBindings,
[out, size_is(,(ULONG) *pcBindings)] DBBINDING **  prgBindings,
[out] IErrorInfo **  ppErrorInfoRem 

◆ RemoteReleaseAccessor()

HRESULT IAccessor::RemoteReleaseAccessor ( [in] HACCESSOR  hAccessor,
[in, out, unique] DBREFCOUNT pcRefCount,
[out] IErrorInfo **  ppErrorInfoRem 

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