ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-456-ga97fcf1
_PDEV Struct Reference

#include <framebuf.h>

Collaboration diagram for _PDEV:

Public Attributes

HANDLE hDriver
HDEV hDevEng
HSURF hSurfEng
ULONG ModeIndex
ULONG ScreenWidth
ULONG ScreenHeight
ULONG ScreenDelta
BYTE BitsPerPixel
ULONG GreenMask
ULONG BlueMask
BYTE PaletteShift
PVOID ScreenPtr
HPALETTE DefaultPalette
DWORD iDitherFormat
ULONG MemHeight
ULONG MemWidth
DWORD dwHeap
BOOL bDDInitialized
HSURF SurfHandle
PVOID AssociatedSurf
XYPAIR xyHotSpot
ULONG XorMaskStartOffset
DWORD PointerAttributes
DWORD flPreallocSSBBufferInUse
PUCHAR pjPreallocSSBBuffer
ULONG ulPreallocSSBSize
SIZEL sizeSurf
PBYTE fbScreen
RECTL SavedBitsRight
RECTL SavedBitsBottom
BOOL BitsSaved
SIZEL sizeMem
LONG NumScansUsedByPointer
HDEV hdevEng
HSURF hsurfEng
HPALETTE hpalDefault
PBYTE pjScreen
ULONG cxScreen
ULONG cyScreen
ULONG ulMode
LONG lDeltaScreen
ULONG cScreenSize
PVOID pOffscreenList
FLONG flGreen
FLONG flBlue
ULONG cPaletteShift
ULONG ulBitCount
POINTL ptlHotSpot
DWORD cjPointerAttributes
BOOL fHwCursorActive
BOOL bSupportDCI
LONG flHooks

Detailed Description

Definition at line 33 of file framebuf.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AssociatedSurf

PVOID _PDEV::AssociatedSurf

Definition at line 111 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DrvDisableSurface(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ bDDInitialized

BOOL _PDEV::bDDInitialized

Definition at line 66 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvDisableDirectDraw(), and DrvEnableDirectDraw().

◆ BitsPerPixel

◆ BitsSaved

BOOL _PDEV::BitsSaved

Definition at line 140 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ BlueMask


◆ bSupportDCI


Definition at line 47 of file driver.h.

◆ cjPointerAttributes

DWORD _PDEV::cjPointerAttributes

Definition at line 44 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitSURF().

◆ cPaletteShift

ULONG _PDEV::cPaletteShift

Definition at line 37 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInit256ColorPalette(), bInitPDEV(), and DrvSetPalette().

◆ cScreenSize

ULONG _PDEV::cScreenSize

Definition at line 31 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitSURF().

◆ cxScreen

ULONG _PDEV::cxScreen

Definition at line 27 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitPDEV(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ cyScreen

ULONG _PDEV::cyScreen

Definition at line 28 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitPDEV(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ ddpfDisplay


Definition at line 67 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableDirectDraw().

◆ DefaultPalette

HPALETTE _PDEV::DefaultPalette

Definition at line 48 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by IntInitDefaultPalette().

◆ dwHeap


Definition at line 64 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvGetDirectDrawInfo().

◆ fbScreen

PBYTE _PDEV::fbScreen

Definition at line 137 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DeinitVGA(), DrvEnableSurface(), and InitVGA().

◆ fHwCursorActive

BOOL _PDEV::fHwCursorActive

Definition at line 45 of file driver.h.

◆ fl


Definition at line 105 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ flBlue


Definition at line 36 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitDefaultPalette(), and bInitPDEV().

◆ flGreen

FLONG _PDEV::flGreen

Definition at line 35 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitDefaultPalette(), and bInitPDEV().

◆ flHooks

LONG _PDEV::flHooks

Definition at line 49 of file driver.h.

Referenced by DrvAssertMode(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ flPreallocSSBBufferInUse

DWORD _PDEV::flPreallocSSBBufferInUse

Definition at line 123 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ flRed


Definition at line 34 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitDefaultPalette(), and bInitPDEV().

◆ GDIDevHandle


Definition at line 109 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableSurface().

◆ GreenMask

ULONG _PDEV::GreenMask

◆ hDevEng


Definition at line 36 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableSurface().

◆ hdevEng

HDEV _PDEV::hdevEng

Definition at line 23 of file driver.h.

Referenced by DrvAssertMode(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ hDriver

◆ hpalDefault

HPALETTE _PDEV::hpalDefault

Definition at line 25 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitDefaultPalette(), and vDisablePalette().

◆ hSurfEng


Definition at line 37 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvDisableSurface(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ hsurfEng

HSURF _PDEV::hsurfEng

Definition at line 24 of file driver.h.

Referenced by DrvAssertMode(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ iDitherFormat

DWORD _PDEV::iDitherFormat

Definition at line 61 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableDirectDraw(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ ImageBehindCursor


Definition at line 118 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DrvSetPointerShape(), InitPointer(), VGADDI_HideCursor(), and VGADDI_ShowCursor().

◆ KMDriver


Definition at line 108 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DeinitVGA(), DrvAssertMode(), DrvDisableSurface(), DrvEnablePDEV(), and InitVGA().

◆ lDeltaScreen

LONG _PDEV::lDeltaScreen

Definition at line 30 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitPDEV(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ MemHeight

ULONG _PDEV::MemHeight

Definition at line 62 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvGetDirectDrawInfo(), and IntInitScreenInfo().

◆ MemWidth


Definition at line 63 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvGetDirectDrawInfo(), and IntInitScreenInfo().

◆ ModeIndex

ULONG _PDEV::ModeIndex

Definition at line 38 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvAssertMode(), DrvEnableSurface(), and IntInitScreenInfo().

◆ ModeNum


Definition at line 134 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by InitVGA().

◆ NumScansUsedByPointer

LONG _PDEV::NumScansUsedByPointer

Definition at line 142 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ PaletteEntries


Definition at line 49 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvAssertMode(), DrvEnableSurface(), and IntInitDefaultPalette().

◆ PaletteShift

BYTE _PDEV::PaletteShift

Definition at line 46 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by IntInitScreenInfo().

◆ pjBase

UCHAR* _PDEV::pjBase

Definition at line 53 of file driver.h.

◆ pjPreallocSSBBuffer

PUCHAR _PDEV::pjPreallocSSBBuffer

Definition at line 125 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DrvDisablePDEV().

◆ pjScreen

PBYTE _PDEV::pjScreen

Definition at line 26 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitSURF(), DrvAssertMode(), DrvEnableSurface(), and vDisableSURF().

◆ pOffscreenList

PVOID _PDEV::pOffscreenList

Definition at line 33 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitSURF().

◆ PointerAttributes

DWORD _PDEV::PointerAttributes

Definition at line 122 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ PointerCapabilities


Definition at line 129 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by bInitSURF().

◆ pPal


Definition at line 46 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInit256ColorPalette(), bInitDefaultPalette(), and vDisablePalette().

◆ pPointerAttributes

◆ pso


Definition at line 52 of file driver.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableSurface().

◆ ptlHotSpot

POINTL _PDEV::ptlHotSpot

Definition at line 41 of file driver.h.

◆ pucDIB4ToVGAConvBuffer


Definition at line 130 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DrvDisablePDEV().

◆ pucDIB4ToVGAConvTables


Definition at line 131 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ pvmList


Definition at line 65 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableDirectDraw(), and DrvGetDirectDrawInfo().

◆ RedMask


◆ SavedBitsBottom

RECTL _PDEV::SavedBitsBottom

Definition at line 139 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ SavedBitsRight

RECTL _PDEV::SavedBitsRight

Definition at line 138 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ ScreenDelta

ULONG _PDEV::ScreenDelta

Definition at line 41 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableSurface(), DrvGetDirectDrawInfo(), and IntInitScreenInfo().

◆ ScreenHeight

ULONG _PDEV::ScreenHeight

Definition at line 40 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableSurface(), DrvGetDirectDrawInfo(), and IntInitScreenInfo().

◆ ScreenPtr

PVOID _PDEV::ScreenPtr

Definition at line 47 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableSurface(), and DrvGetDirectDrawInfo().

◆ ScreenWidth

ULONG _PDEV::ScreenWidth

Definition at line 39 of file framebuf.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableSurface(), DrvGetDirectDrawInfo(), and IntInitScreenInfo().

◆ sizeMem

SIZEL _PDEV::sizeMem

Definition at line 141 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ sizeSurf

SIZEL _PDEV::sizeSurf

Definition at line 136 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DrvEnableSurface(), InitVGA(), and VGADDI_ShowCursor().

◆ SurfHandle

HSURF _PDEV::SurfHandle

Definition at line 110 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DrvDisableSurface(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ ulBitCount

ULONG _PDEV::ulBitCount

Definition at line 40 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInit256ColorPalette(), bInitDefaultPalette(), bInitPDEV(), and DrvEnableSurface().

◆ ulMode


Definition at line 29 of file driver.h.

Referenced by bInitPDEV(), and bInitSURF().

◆ ulPreallocSSBSize

ULONG _PDEV::ulPreallocSSBSize

Definition at line 127 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ XorMaskStartOffset

ULONG _PDEV::XorMaskStartOffset

Definition at line 119 of file vgaddi.h.

◆ xyHotSpot


Definition at line 114 of file vgaddi.h.

Referenced by DrvSetPointerShape(), InitPointer(), VGADDI_HideCursor(), and VGADDI_ShowCursor().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: