ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-178-g8ba6102
tagLOGFONTW Struct Reference

#include <wingdi.h>

Public Attributes

LONG lfHeight
LONG lfWidth
LONG lfEscapement
LONG lfOrientation
LONG lfWeight
BYTE lfItalic
BYTE lfUnderline
BYTE lfStrikeOut
BYTE lfCharSet
BYTE lfOutPrecision
BYTE lfClipPrecision
BYTE lfQuality
BYTE lfPitchAndFamily

Detailed Description

Member Data Documentation

◆ lfCharSet

◆ lfClipPrecision

BYTE tagLOGFONTW::lfClipPrecision

Definition at line 1907 of file wingdi.h.

Referenced by CFn_WMCommand().

◆ lfEscapement

LONG tagLOGFONTW::lfEscapement

Definition at line 1899 of file wingdi.h.

Referenced by CFn_WMCommand(), HfontCreate(), and NtGdiHfontCreate().

◆ lfFaceName

◆ lfHeight

LONG tagLOGFONTW::lfHeight

◆ lfItalic

BYTE tagLOGFONTW::lfItalic

◆ lfOrientation

LONG tagLOGFONTW::lfOrientation

Definition at line 1900 of file wingdi.h.

Referenced by CFn_WMCommand(), HfontCreate(), and NtGdiHfontCreate().

◆ lfOutPrecision

BYTE tagLOGFONTW::lfOutPrecision

Definition at line 1906 of file wingdi.h.

Referenced by CFn_WMCommand(), CCharMapWindow::EnumDisplayFont(), and EnumFontNames().

◆ lfPitchAndFamily

BYTE tagLOGFONTW::lfPitchAndFamily

◆ lfQuality

BYTE tagLOGFONTW::lfQuality

Definition at line 1908 of file wingdi.h.

Referenced by CFn_WMCommand().

◆ lfStrikeOut

BYTE tagLOGFONTW::lfStrikeOut

Definition at line 1904 of file wingdi.h.

Referenced by CFn_WMCommand(), and CFn_WMInitDialog().

◆ lfUnderline

BYTE tagLOGFONTW::lfUnderline

Definition at line 1903 of file wingdi.h.

Referenced by CFn_WMCommand(), and CFn_WMInitDialog().

◆ lfWeight

LONG tagLOGFONTW::lfWeight

◆ lfWidth


Definition at line 1898 of file wingdi.h.

Referenced by CFn_WMCommand(), and IntGdiGetFontResourceInfo().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: