ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-178-g8ba6102
_MAP Struct Reference

#include <precomp.h>

Collaboration diagram for _MAP:

Public Attributes

HWND hMapWnd
HWND hParent
HWND hLrgWnd
SIZE ClientSize
SIZE CellSize
PCELL pActiveCell
LOGFONTW CurrentFont
INT CaretX
INT CaretY
INT iYStart
INT NumRows
INT CharMap
USHORT NumValidGlyphs

Detailed Description

Definition at line 43 of file precomp.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ CaretX

INT _MAP::CaretX

Definition at line 54 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by MapWndProc(), MoveLeftRight(), MoveUpDown(), OnKeyDown(), OnVScroll(), and SetCaretXY().

◆ CaretY

INT _MAP::CaretY

Definition at line 54 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by MapWndProc(), MoveLeftRight(), MoveUpDown(), OnKeyDown(), OnVScroll(), and SetCaretXY().

◆ Cells


Definition at line 50 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by FillGrid(), MapOnCreate(), SetCaretXY(), SetGrid(), and UpdateCells().

◆ CellSize

SIZE _MAP::CellSize

Definition at line 49 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by MapOnCreate(), OnClick(), OnVScroll(), and SetGrid().

◆ CharMap

INT _MAP::CharMap

Definition at line 57 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by MapWndProc(), and SetFont().

◆ ClientSize

SIZE _MAP::ClientSize

Definition at line 48 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by MapOnCreate().

◆ CurrentFont

LOGFONTW _MAP::CurrentFont

Definition at line 53 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by MapWndProc(), and SetFont().

◆ hFont


Definition at line 52 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by FillGrid(), MapWndProc(), and SetFont().

◆ hLrgWnd

◆ hMapWnd

◆ hParent

HWND _MAP::hParent

◆ iYStart

INT _MAP::iYStart

◆ NumRows

INT _MAP::NumRows

Definition at line 56 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by MoveLeftRight(), OnVScroll(), and SetFont().

◆ NumValidGlyphs

USHORT _MAP::NumValidGlyphs

Definition at line 60 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by LimitCaretXY(), and SetFont().

◆ pActiveCell

PCELL _MAP::pActiveCell

◆ ValidGlyphs


Definition at line 59 of file precomp.h.

Referenced by SetFont(), and UpdateCells().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: