HRESULT | Register ([in] LPCWSTR pName, [in] LONG cResource, [out] LONG *plToken) |
HRESULT | RegisterGroup ([in] LPCWSTR pName, [in] LONG cResource, [in, size_is(cResource)] LONG *palTokens, [out] LONG *plToken) |
HRESULT | RequestResource ([in] LONG idResource, [in] IUnknown *pFocusObject, [in] IResourceConsumer *pConsumer) |
HRESULT | NotifyAcquire ([in] LONG idResource, [in] IResourceConsumer *pConsumer, [in] HRESULT hr) |
HRESULT | NotifyRelease ([in] LONG idResource, [in] IResourceConsumer *pConsumer, [in] BOOL bStillWant) |
HRESULT | CancelRequest ([in] LONG idResource, [in] IResourceConsumer *pConsumer) |
HRESULT | SetFocus ([in] IUnknown *pFocusObject) |
HRESULT | ReleaseFocus ([in] IUnknown *pFocusObject) |
HRESULT | Enlist ([in]ITransaction *pTransaction,[in]ITransactionResourceAsync *pRes,[out]XACTUOW *pUOW,[out]LONG *pisoLevel,[out]ITransactionEnlistmentAsync **ppEnlist) |
HRESULT | Reenlist ([in]byte *pPrepInfo,[in]ULONG cbPrepInfo,[in]DWORD lTimeout,[out]XACTSTAT *pXactStat) |
HRESULT | ReenlistmentComplete (void) |
HRESULT | GetDistributedTransactionManager ([in]REFIID iid,[out, iid_is(iid)]void **ppvObject) |
HRESULT | QueryInterface ([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) |
ULONG | AddRef () |
ULONG | Release () |
Definition at line 1110 of file axextend.idl.
◆ CancelRequest()
◆ Enlist()
◆ GetDistributedTransactionManager()
HRESULT IResourceManager::GetDistributedTransactionManager |
( |
[in] REFIID |
iid, |
[out, iid_is(iid)] void ** |
ppvObject |
) |
| |
◆ NotifyAcquire()
◆ NotifyRelease()
◆ Reenlist()
◆ ReenlistmentComplete()
HRESULT IResourceManager::ReenlistmentComplete |
( |
void |
| ) |
◆ Register()
◆ RegisterGroup()
HRESULT IResourceManager::RegisterGroup |
( |
[in] LPCWSTR |
pName, |
[in] LONG |
cResource, |
[in, size_is(cResource)] LONG * |
palTokens, |
[out] LONG * |
plToken |
) |
| |
◆ ReleaseFocus()
◆ RequestResource()
◆ SetFocus()
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