ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-747-gbc52d5f
struct.h File Reference
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struct  _UDFIdentifier
struct  _UDFObjectName
struct  _UDFContextControlBlock
struct  _UDFNTRequiredFCB
struct  _UDFFileControlBlock
struct  _UDFIrpContext
struct  _UDFIrpContextLite
struct  _UDFEjectWaitContext
struct  _UDFBGWriteContext
struct  _UDFFileIDCacheItem


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_NT_REQ_FCB   ((CSHORT)(0xfcb0))
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_OBJECT_NAME   (0xfdecba01)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_CCB   (0xfdecba02)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_FCB   (0xfdecba03)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_VCB   (0xfdecba04)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_IRP_CONTEXT   (0xfdecba05)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_GLOBAL_DATA   (0xfdecba06)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_FILTER_DEVOBJ   (0xfdecba07)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_UDFFS_DEVOBJ   (0xfdecba08)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_IRP_CONTEXT_LITE   (0xfdecba09)
#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_UDFFS_DRVOBJ   (0xfdecba0a)
#define UDF_OBJ_NAME_NOT_FROM_ZONE   (0x80000000)
#define UDF_CCB_OPENED_BY_UDF   (0x00000001)
#define UDF_CCB_OPENED_FOR_SYNC_ACCESS   (0x00000002)
#define UDF_CCB_OPENED_FOR_SEQ_ACCESS   (0x00000004)
#define UDF_CCB_CLEANED   (0x00000008)
#define UDF_CCB_ACCESSED   (0x00000010)
#define UDF_CCB_MODIFIED   (0x00000020)
#define UDF_CCB_ACCESS_TIME_SET   (0x00000040)
#define UDF_CCB_MODIFY_TIME_SET   (0x00000080)
#define UDF_CCB_CREATE_TIME_SET   (0x00000100)
#define UDF_CCB_WRITE_TIME_SET   (0x00000200)
#define UDF_CCB_ATTRIBUTES_SET   (0x00020000)
#define UDF_CCB_CASE_SENSETIVE   (0x00000400)
#define UDF_CCB_DELETE_ON_CLOSE   (0x00000800)
#define UDF_CCB_VOLUME_OPEN   (0x00001000)
#define UDF_CCB_MATCH_ALL   (0x00002000)
#define UDF_CCB_WILDCARD_PRESENT   (0x00004000)
#define UDF_CCB_CAN_BE_8_DOT_3   (0x00008000)
#define UDF_CCB_READ_ONLY   (0x00010000)
#define UDF_CCB_FLUSHED   (0x20000000)
#define UDF_CCB_VALID   (0x40000000)
#define UDF_CCB_NOT_FROM_ZONE   (0x80000000)
#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_SD_MODIFIED   (0x00000001)
#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_INLIST   (0x00000002)
#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_DELETED   (0x00000004)
#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_MODIFIED   (0x00000008)
#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_VALID   (0x40000000)
#define UDF_FCB_MT   NonPagedPool
#define UDF_FCB_VALID   (0x00000002)
#define UDF_FCB_PAGE_FILE   (0x00000004)
#define UDF_FCB_DIRECTORY   (0x00000008)
#define UDF_FCB_ROOT_DIRECTORY   (0x00000010)
#define UDF_FCB_WRITE_THROUGH   (0x00000020)
#define UDF_FCB_MAPPED   (0x00000040)
#define UDF_FCB_FAST_IO_READ_IN_PROGESS   (0x00000080)
#define UDF_FCB_FAST_IO_WRITE_IN_PROGESS   (0x00000100)
#define UDF_FCB_DELETE_ON_CLOSE   (0x00000200)
#define UDF_FCB_MODIFIED   (0x00000400)
#define UDF_FCB_ACCESSED   (0x00000800)
#define UDF_FCB_READ_ONLY   (0x00001000)
#define UDF_FCB_DELAY_CLOSE   (0x00002000)
#define UDF_FCB_DELETED   (0x00004000)
#define UDF_FCB_POSTED_RENAME   (0x00010000)
#define UDF_FCB_DELETE_PARENT   (0x10000000)
#define UDF_FCB_NOT_FROM_ZONE   (0x80000000)
#define _BROWSE_UDF_
#define UDF_FLUSH_FLAGS_BREAKABLE   (0x00000001)
#define UDF_FLUSH_FLAGS_LITE   (0x80000000)
#define UDF_FLUSH_FLAGS_INTERRUPTED   (0x00000001)
#define UDF_MAX_BG_WRITERS   16
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_CAN_BLOCK   (0x00000001)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_WRITE_THROUGH   (0x00000002)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_EXCEPTION   (0x00000004)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_DEFERRED_WRITE   (0x00000008)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_NOT_TOP_LEVEL   (0x00000020)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_FLUSH_REQUIRED   (0x00000080)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_FLUSH2_REQUIRED   (0x00000100)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_READ_ONLY   (0x00010000)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_RES1_ACQ   (0x01000000)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_RES2_ACQ   (0x02000000)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_FORCED_POST   (0x20000000)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_BUFFER_LOCKED   (0x40000000)
#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_NOT_FROM_ZONE   (0x80000000)
#define UDF_NTAS_MULTIPLE   (0x2)
#define DIRTY_PAGE_LIMIT   32


typedef struct _UDFIdentifier UDFIdentifier
typedef struct _UDFIdentifierPtrUDFIdentifier
typedef struct _UDFObjectName UDFObjectName
typedef struct _UDFObjectNamePtrUDFObjectName
typedef struct _UDFContextControlBlock UDFCCB
typedef struct _UDFContextControlBlockPtrUDFCCB
typedef struct _UDFNTRequiredFCB UDFNTRequiredFCB
typedef struct _UDFNTRequiredFCBPtrUDFNTRequiredFCB
typedef struct _UDFFileControlBlock UDFFCB
typedef struct _UDFFileControlBlockPtrUDFFCB
typedef struct _UDFIrpContext UDFIrpContext
typedef struct _UDFIrpContextPtrUDFIrpContext
typedef struct _UDFIrpContextLite UDFIrpContextLite
typedef struct _UDFIrpContextLitePtrUDFIrpContextLite
typedef struct _UDFEjectWaitContext UDFEjectWaitContext
typedef struct _UDFEjectWaitContextPUDFEjectWaitContext
typedef struct _UDFBGWriteContext UDFBGWriteContext
typedef struct _UDFBGWriteContextPUDFBGWriteContext
typedef struct _UDFFileIDCacheItem UDFFileIDCacheItem
typedef struct _UDFFileIDCacheItemPUDFFileIDCacheItem

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _BROWSE_UDF_

Definition at line 330 of file struct.h.


#define DIRTY_PAGE_LIMIT   32

Definition at line 489 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_ACCESS_TIME_SET   (0x00000040)

Definition at line 153 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_ACCESSED   (0x00000010)

Definition at line 149 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_ATTRIBUTES_SET   (0x00020000)

Definition at line 157 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_CAN_BE_8_DOT_3   (0x00008000)

Definition at line 169 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_CASE_SENSETIVE   (0x00000400)

Definition at line 159 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_CLEANED   (0x00000008)

Definition at line 146 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_CREATE_TIME_SET   (0x00000100)

Definition at line 155 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_DELETE_ON_CLOSE   (0x00000800)

Definition at line 162 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_FLUSHED   (0x20000000)

Definition at line 173 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_MATCH_ALL   (0x00002000)

Definition at line 167 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_MODIFIED   (0x00000020)

Definition at line 150 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_MODIFY_TIME_SET   (0x00000080)

Definition at line 154 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_NOT_FROM_ZONE   (0x80000000)

Definition at line 175 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_OPENED_BY_UDF   (0x00000001)

Definition at line 138 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_OPENED_FOR_SEQ_ACCESS   (0x00000004)

Definition at line 143 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_OPENED_FOR_SYNC_ACCESS   (0x00000002)

Definition at line 141 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_READ_ONLY   (0x00010000)

Definition at line 170 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_VALID   (0x40000000)

Definition at line 174 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_VOLUME_OPEN   (0x00001000)

Definition at line 166 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_WILDCARD_PRESENT   (0x00004000)

Definition at line 168 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_CCB_WRITE_TIME_SET   (0x00000200)

Definition at line 156 of file struct.h.



Definition at line 430 of file struct.h.



Definition at line 429 of file struct.h.



Definition at line 428 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_ACCESSED   (0x00000800)

Definition at line 311 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_DELAY_CLOSE   (0x00002000)

Definition at line 313 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_DELETE_ON_CLOSE   (0x00000200)

Definition at line 309 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_DELETE_PARENT   (0x10000000)

Definition at line 319 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_DELETED   (0x00004000)

Definition at line 314 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_DIRECTORY   (0x00000008)

Definition at line 303 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_FAST_IO_READ_IN_PROGESS   (0x00000080)

Definition at line 307 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_FAST_IO_WRITE_IN_PROGESS   (0x00000100)

Definition at line 308 of file struct.h.



Definition at line 316 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_MAPPED   (0x00000040)

Definition at line 306 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_MODIFIED   (0x00000400)

Definition at line 310 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_MT   NonPagedPool

Definition at line 241 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_NOT_FROM_ZONE   (0x80000000)

Definition at line 320 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_PAGE_FILE   (0x00000004)

Definition at line 302 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_POSTED_RENAME   (0x00010000)

Definition at line 317 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_READ_ONLY   (0x00001000)

Definition at line 312 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_ROOT_DIRECTORY   (0x00000010)

Definition at line 304 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_VALID   (0x00000002)

Definition at line 300 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FCB_WRITE_THROUGH   (0x00000020)

Definition at line 305 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FLUSH_FLAGS_BREAKABLE   (0x00000001)

Definition at line 339 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FLUSH_FLAGS_INTERRUPTED   (0x00000001)

Definition at line 343 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_FLUSH_FLAGS_LITE   (0x80000000)

Definition at line 341 of file struct.h.



Definition at line 389 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_BUFFER_LOCKED   (0x40000000)

Definition at line 398 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_CAN_BLOCK   (0x00000001)

Definition at line 385 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_DEFERRED_WRITE   (0x00000008)

Definition at line 388 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_EXCEPTION   (0x00000004)

Definition at line 387 of file struct.h.



Definition at line 391 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_FLUSH2_REQUIRED   (0x00000100)

Definition at line 393 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_FLUSH_REQUIRED   (0x00000080)

Definition at line 392 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_FORCED_POST   (0x20000000)

Definition at line 397 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_NOT_FROM_ZONE   (0x80000000)

Definition at line 399 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_NOT_TOP_LEVEL   (0x00000020)

Definition at line 390 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_READ_ONLY   (0x00010000)

Definition at line 394 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_RES1_ACQ   (0x01000000)

Definition at line 395 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_RES2_ACQ   (0x02000000)

Definition at line 396 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_IRP_CONTEXT_WRITE_THROUGH   (0x00000002)

Definition at line 386 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_MAX_BG_WRITERS   16

Definition at line 345 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_CCB   (0xfdecba02)

Definition at line 59 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_FCB   (0xfdecba03)

Definition at line 60 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_FILTER_DEVOBJ   (0xfdecba07)

Definition at line 64 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_GLOBAL_DATA   (0xfdecba06)

Definition at line 63 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_IRP_CONTEXT   (0xfdecba05)

Definition at line 62 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_IRP_CONTEXT_LITE   (0xfdecba09)

Definition at line 66 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_NT_REQ_FCB   ((CSHORT)(0xfcb0))

Definition at line 57 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_OBJECT_NAME   (0xfdecba01)

Definition at line 58 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_UDFFS_DEVOBJ   (0xfdecba08)

Definition at line 65 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_UDFFS_DRVOBJ   (0xfdecba0a)

Definition at line 67 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NODE_TYPE_VCB   (0xfdecba04)

Definition at line 61 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NTAS_MULTIPLE   (0x2)

Definition at line 437 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_DELETED   (0x00000004)

Definition at line 235 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_INLIST   (0x00000002)

Definition at line 234 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_MODIFIED   (0x00000008)

Definition at line 236 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_SD_MODIFIED   (0x00000001)

Definition at line 233 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_NTREQ_FCB_VALID   (0x40000000)

Definition at line 237 of file struct.h.


#define UDF_OBJ_NAME_NOT_FROM_ZONE   (0x80000000)

Definition at line 97 of file struct.h.



Definition at line 336 of file struct.h.

Typedef Documentation







◆ PtrUDFIdentifier

◆ PtrUDFIrpContext

◆ PtrUDFIrpContextLite

◆ PtrUDFNTRequiredFCB

◆ PtrUDFObjectName

◆ PUDFBGWriteContext

◆ PUDFEjectWaitContext

◆ PUDFFileIDCacheItem


◆ UDFBGWriteContext


◆ UDFEjectWaitContext


◆ UDFFileIDCacheItem


◆ UDFIdentifier

◆ UDFIrpContext

◆ UDFIrpContextLite

◆ UDFNTRequiredFCB

◆ UDFObjectName