ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-456-ga97fcf1
#include <intl.h>
BOOL _GLOBALDATA::bApplyToDefaultUser |
Definition at line 116 of file intl.h.
Referenced by SaveCurrentLocale(), and SaveGeoID().
Definition at line 118 of file intl.h.
Referenced by SaveGeoID().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nCalendarType |
Definition at line 105 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nCurrDigits |
Definition at line 86 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetCurrencySetting(), InitCurrencyNegativeFormats(), InitCurrencyNumFracDigits(), InitCurrencyPositiveFormats(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateExamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nCurrGrouping |
Definition at line 87 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetCurrencySetting(), InitDigitGroupCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateExamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nCurrNegFormat |
Definition at line 85 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetCurrencySetting(), InitCurrencyNegativeFormats(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateExamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nCurrPosFormat |
Definition at line 84 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetCurrencySetting(), InitCurrencyPositiveFormats(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateExamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
Definition at line 104 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nFirstDayOfWeek |
Definition at line 102 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nFirstWeekOfYear |
Definition at line 103 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nMiscCountry |
Definition at line 111 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 74 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitNumOfFracSymbCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateLocaleSample(), and UpdateNumSamples().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nNumGrouping |
Definition at line 76 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitFieldDigNumCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateLocaleSample(), and UpdateNumSamples().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nNumLeadingZero |
Definition at line 75 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitLeadingZeroesCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateExamples(), UpdateLocaleSample(), and UpdateNumSamples().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nNumMeasure |
Definition at line 77 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitUnitsSysCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nNumNegFormat |
Definition at line 73 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitNegNumFmtCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateLocaleSample(), and UpdateNumSamples().
Definition at line 78 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 94 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nTimeLeadingZero |
Definition at line 96 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
INT _GLOBALDATA::nTimePrefix |
Definition at line 95 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 114 of file intl.h.
Referenced by Applet(), InitLanguagesList(), SaveFontSubstitutionSettings(), and SaveSystemSettings().
Definition at line 82 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetCurrencySetting(), InitCurrencyDecimalSeparators(), InitCurrencyNegativeFormats(), InitCurrencyPositiveFormats(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateExamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
Definition at line 81 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetCurrencySetting(), InitCurrencyNegativeFormats(), InitCurrencyPositiveFormats(), InitCurrencySymbols(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateExamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
Definition at line 83 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetCurrencySetting(), InitCurrencyGroupSeparators(), InitCurrencyNegativeFormats(), InitCurrencyPositiveFormats(), InitDigitGroupCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateExamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
Definition at line 101 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetDateSetting(), InitShortDateSepSamples(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 99 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetDateSetting(), InitLongDateCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateDateLocaleSamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
Definition at line 109 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 110 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 69 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitLeadingZeroesCB(), InitNegNumFmtCB(), InitNumDecimalSepCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateLocaleSample(), and UpdateNumSamples().
Definition at line 72 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitListSepCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 66 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 71 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitNegNumFmtCB(), InitNegSignCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 65 of file intl.h.
Referenced by LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 70 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetNumberSetting(), InitNumFieldSepCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateLocaleSample(), and UpdateNumSamples().
Definition at line 100 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetDateSetting(), InitShortDateCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateDateLocaleSamples(), and UpdateLocaleSample().
Definition at line 92 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetTimeSetting(), InitAmSymbol(), InitPmSymbol(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 90 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetTimeSetting(), InitTimeFormatCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateLocaleSample(), and UpdateTimeSample().
Definition at line 93 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetTimeSetting(), InitPmSymbol(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 91 of file intl.h.
Referenced by GetTimeSetting(), InitTimeSeparatorCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), and SetNewLocale().
Definition at line 113 of file intl.h.
Referenced by CustomizeLocalePropertySheet(), InitCurrencyNegativeFormats(), InitCurrencyPositiveFormats(), InitDigitGroupCB(), InitLongDateCB(), InitMinMaxDateSpin(), InitShortDateCB(), InitTimeFormatCB(), LoadCurrentLocale(), SaveCurrentLocale(), SaveUserLocale(), SetNewLocale(), UpdateDateLocaleSamples(), UpdateExamples(), UpdateLocaleSample(), UpdateNumSamples(), and UpdateTimeSample().