ReactOS 0.4.15-dev-8434-g155a7c7
resource.h File Reference
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#define IDC_CPLICON_1   IDI_AC
#define IDS_PERCENT   49
#define IDS_SOUND   50
#define IDS_TEXT   51
#define IDS_CONFIG1   53
#define IDS_CONFIG2   54
#define IDS_NOACTION   100
#define IDS_PowerActionNone1   114
#define IDS_PowerActionUnknown   115
#define IDS_PowerActionSleep   116
#define IDS_PowerActionHibernate   117
#define IDS_PowerActionShutdown   118
#define IDS_PowerActionRestart   119
#define IDS_PowerActionShutdownOff   120
#define IDS_PowerActionWarmEject   121
#define IDS_PowerActionNone2   122
#define IDS_TIMEOUT16   150
#define IDS_TIMEOUT1   151
#define IDS_TIMEOUT2   152
#define IDS_TIMEOUT3   153
#define IDS_TIMEOUT4   154
#define IDS_TIMEOUT5   155
#define IDS_TIMEOUT6   156
#define IDS_TIMEOUT7   157
#define IDS_TIMEOUT8   158
#define IDS_TIMEOUT9   159
#define IDS_TIMEOUT10   160
#define IDS_TIMEOUT11   161
#define IDS_TIMEOUT12   162
#define IDS_TIMEOUT13   163
#define IDS_TIMEOUT14   164
#define IDS_TIMEOUT15   165
#define IDS_DEL_SCHEME   166
#define IDS_DEL_SCHEME_TITLE   167
#define IDS_DEL_SCHEME_ERROR   168
#define IDI_AC   175
#define IDI_DC   176
#define IDI_ACDC   177
#define IDI_SCREEN   178
#define IDI_HIBERNATE   179
#define IDS_CPLNAME_1   190
#define IDC_ENERGYLIST   200
#define IDC_GRPDETAIL   201
#define IDC_SAT   202
#define IDC_IAC   203
#define IDC_SAC   204
#define IDC_IDC   205
#define IDC_SDC   206
#define IDC_DISKACLIST   216
#define IDC_DISKDCLIST   217
#define IDC_DISK   218
#define IDC_HIBERNATE   221
#define IDC_STANDBY   211
#define IDC_MONITOR   212
#define IDC_ALARMMSG1   301
#define IDC_ALARMBAR1   302
#define IDC_ALARMBAR2   303
#define IDC_ALARMVALUE1   304
#define IDC_ALARMVALUE2   305
#define IDC_ALARM1   306
#define IDC_ALARM2   307
#define IDC_ALARMAKTION1   320
#define IDC_ALARMPROG1   322
#define IDC_ALARMMSG2   324
#define IDC_ALARMAKTION2   323
#define IDC_ALARMPROG2   325
#define IDC_SLIDCLOSE   403
#define IDC_LIDCLOSE   404
#define IDC_SPOWERBUTTON   405
#define IDC_POWERBUTTON   406
#define IDC_SSLEEPBUTTON   407
#define IDC_SLEEPBUTTON   408
#define IDC_FREESPACE   501
#define IDC_DELETE_BTN   504
#define IDC_SAVEAS_BTN   505
#define IDC_SCHEMENAME   620
#define IDS_CRITCLENERGY   717
#define IDS_LOWENERGY   718
#define IDS_UNKNOWN   719
#define IDS_CPLDESCRIPTION_1   901

Macro Definition Documentation


#define IDC_ALARM1   306

Definition at line 87 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARM2   307

Definition at line 88 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMAKTION1   320

Definition at line 89 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMAKTION2   323

Definition at line 92 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMBAR1   302

Definition at line 83 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMBAR2   303

Definition at line 84 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMMSG1   301

Definition at line 82 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMMSG2   324

Definition at line 91 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMPROG1   322

Definition at line 90 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMPROG2   325

Definition at line 93 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMVALUE1   304

Definition at line 85 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ALARMVALUE2   305

Definition at line 86 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_CPLICON_1   IDI_AC

Definition at line 6 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DELETE_BTN   504

Definition at line 110 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DISK   218

Definition at line 72 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DISKACLIST   216

Definition at line 70 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_DISKDCLIST   217

Definition at line 71 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_ENERGYLIST   200

Definition at line 59 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_FREESPACE   501

Definition at line 106 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_GRPDETAIL   201

Definition at line 60 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 79 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_HIBERNATE   221

Definition at line 75 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 73 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 74 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 105 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_IAC   203

Definition at line 62 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_IDC   205

Definition at line 64 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_LIDCLOSE   404

Definition at line 99 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_MONITOR   212

Definition at line 78 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 68 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 69 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 80 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 96 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_POWERBUTTON   406

Definition at line 101 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SAC   204

Definition at line 63 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SAT   202

Definition at line 61 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SAVEAS_BTN   505

Definition at line 111 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SCHEMENAME   620

Definition at line 113 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SDC   206

Definition at line 65 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SLEEPBUTTON   408

Definition at line 103 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SLIDCLOSE   403

Definition at line 98 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 107 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SPOWERBUTTON   405

Definition at line 100 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_SSLEEPBUTTON   407

Definition at line 102 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_STANDBY   211

Definition at line 77 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 66 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 67 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 95 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 108 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 97 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 15 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 14 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 18 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 16 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 19 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 17 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 20 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_AC   175

Definition at line 52 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_ACDC   177

Definition at line 54 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_DC   176

Definition at line 53 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_HIBERNATE   179

Definition at line 56 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_SCREEN   178

Definition at line 55 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 116 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 115 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_CONFIG1   53

Definition at line 11 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_CONFIG2   54

Definition at line 12 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_CPLDESCRIPTION_1   901

Definition at line 121 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_CPLNAME_1   190

Definition at line 58 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_CRITCLENERGY   717

Definition at line 117 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_DEL_SCHEME   166

Definition at line 48 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_DEL_SCHEME_ERROR   168

Definition at line 50 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_DEL_SCHEME_TITLE   167

Definition at line 49 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_LOWENERGY   718

Definition at line 118 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_NOACTION   100

Definition at line 22 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_PERCENT   49

Definition at line 8 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionHibernate

#define IDS_PowerActionHibernate   117

Definition at line 26 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionNone1

#define IDS_PowerActionNone1   114

Definition at line 23 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionNone2

#define IDS_PowerActionNone2   122

Definition at line 31 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionRestart

#define IDS_PowerActionRestart   119

Definition at line 28 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionShutdown

#define IDS_PowerActionShutdown   118

Definition at line 27 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionShutdownOff

#define IDS_PowerActionShutdownOff   120

Definition at line 29 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionSleep

#define IDS_PowerActionSleep   116

Definition at line 25 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionUnknown

#define IDS_PowerActionUnknown   115

Definition at line 24 of file resource.h.

◆ IDS_PowerActionWarmEject

#define IDS_PowerActionWarmEject   121

Definition at line 30 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_SOUND   50

Definition at line 9 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TEXT   51

Definition at line 10 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT1   151

Definition at line 33 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT10   160

Definition at line 42 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT11   161

Definition at line 43 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT12   162

Definition at line 44 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT13   163

Definition at line 45 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT14   164

Definition at line 46 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT15   165

Definition at line 47 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT16   150

Definition at line 32 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT2   152

Definition at line 34 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT3   153

Definition at line 35 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT4   154

Definition at line 36 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT5   155

Definition at line 37 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT6   156

Definition at line 38 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT7   157

Definition at line 39 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT8   158

Definition at line 40 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_TIMEOUT9   159

Definition at line 41 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_UNKNOWN   719

Definition at line 119 of file resource.h.