ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-433-g6363f78
This is the complete list of members for ITfThreadMgr_P, including all inherited members.
Activate([out] TfClientId *ptid) | ITfThreadMgr | |
ActivateEx(TfClientId *, DWORD)=0 | ITfThreadMgr_P | pure virtual |
AddRef() | IUnknown | |
AssociateFocus([in] HWND hwnd, [in, unique] ITfDocumentMgr *pdimNew, [out] ITfDocumentMgr **ppdimPrev) | ITfThreadMgr | |
CallImm32HotkeyHandler(UINT vKey, LPARAM lParam, HRESULT *phrResult)=0 | ITfThreadMgr_P | pure virtual |
CreateDocumentMgr([out] ITfDocumentMgr **ppdim) | ITfThreadMgr | |
Deactivate() | ITfThreadMgr | |
EnumDocumentMgrs([out] IEnumTfDocumentMgrs **ppEnum) | ITfThreadMgr | |
EnumFunctionProviders([out] IEnumTfFunctionProviders **ppEnum) | ITfThreadMgr | |
GetAssociated(HWND hwnd, ITfDocumentMgr **ppDocMgr)=0 | ITfThreadMgr_P | pure virtual |
GetFocus([out] ITfDocumentMgr **ppdimFocus) | ITfThreadMgr | |
GetFunctionProvider([in] REFCLSID clsid, [out] ITfFunctionProvider **ppFuncProv) | ITfThreadMgr | |
GetGlobalCompartment([out] ITfCompartmentMgr **ppCompMgr) | ITfThreadMgr | |
IsKeystrokeFeedEnabled(int *)=0 | ITfThreadMgr_P | pure virtual |
IsThreadFocus([out] BOOL *pfThreadFocus) | ITfThreadMgr | |
LPUNKNOWN typedef | IUnknown | |
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) | IUnknown | |
Release() | IUnknown | |
RequestPostponedLock(ITfContext *pContext)=0 | ITfThreadMgr_P | pure virtual |
SetFocus([in] ITfDocumentMgr *pdimFocus) | ITfThreadMgr | |
SetSysHookSink(ITfSysHookSink *pSysHookSink)=0 | ITfThreadMgr_P | pure virtual |