ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-570-g1868985
#include <heap.h>
ULONG_PTR _HEAP::AlignMask |
Definition at line 250 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugReAllocateHeap(), and RtlReAllocateHeap().
ULONG_PTR _HEAP::AlignRound |
Definition at line 249 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugReAllocateHeap(), and RtlReAllocateHeap().
ULONGLONG _HEAP::AllocationTime |
Definition at line 59 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapAllocateEx(), and FrLdrHeapCleanupAll().
Definition at line 62 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapAllocateEx(), FrLdrHeapCreate(), FrLdrHeapInsertFreeList(), FrLdrHeapRelease(), FrLdrHeapRemoveFreeList(), and FrLdrHeapVerify().
Definition at line 261 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlpDeCommitFreeBlock(), and RtlpFindAndCommitPages().
SIZE_T _HEAP::CurrentAllocBytes |
Definition at line 54 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapAllocateEx(), FrLdrHeapCleanupAll(), FrLdrHeapCreate(), and FrLdrHeapFreeEx().
SIZE_T _HEAP::DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold |
Definition at line 237 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlFreeHeap(), RtlpInsertFreeBlockHelper(), RtlpRemoveFreeBlock(), and RtlpValidateHeap().
SIZE_T _HEAP::DeCommitTotalFreeThreshold |
Definition at line 238 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlFreeHeap().
HEAP_ENTRY _HEAP::Encoding |
ULONG _HEAP::Flags |
Definition at line 226 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugAllocateHeap(), RtlDestroyHeap(), RtlFreeHeap(), RtlLockHeap(), RtlpAllocateNonDedicated(), RtlpExtendHeap(), RtlpInsertFreeBlockHelper(), RtlpPageHeapCreate(), RtlpValidateHeap(), RtlpValidateHeapSegment(), RtlReAllocateHeap(), RtlSetUserValueHeap(), and RtlUnlockHeap().
ULONG _HEAP::ForceFlags |
Definition at line 227 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugFreeHeap(), RtlDebugGetUserInfoHeap(), RtlDebugReAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugSetUserFlagsHeap(), RtlDebugSetUserValueHeap(), RtlDebugSizeHeap(), RtlDestroyHeap(), RtlFreeHeap(), RtlGetUserInfoHeap(), RtlLockHeap(), RtlpDphPointerFromHandle(), RtlpPageHeapCreate(), RtlReAllocateHeap(), RtlSetUserFlagsHeap(), RtlSetUserValueHeap(), RtlSizeHeap(), RtlUnlockHeap(), and RtlValidateHeap().
RTL_BITMAP _HEAP::FreeHintBitmap |
Definition at line 267 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlpInsertFreeBlockHelper(), RtlpRemoveFreeBlock(), and RtlpValidateHeap().
Definition at line 268 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlpInsertFreeBlockHelper(), RtlpRemoveFreeBlock(), and RtlpValidateHeap().
Definition at line 259 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlpAllocateNonDedicated(), RtlpInsertFreeBlockHelper(), RtlpRemoveFreeBlock(), and RtlpValidateHeap().
Definition at line 60 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapCleanupAll(), and FrLdrHeapFreeEx().
UCHAR _HEAP::FrontEndHeapType |
Definition at line 264 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlQueryHeapInformation().
PVOID _HEAP::HeaderValidateCopy |
Definition at line 243 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlDebugDestroyHeap().
SIZE_T _HEAP::LargestAllocation |
Definition at line 58 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapAllocateEx(), FrLdrHeapCleanupAll(), and FrLdrHeapCreate().
PHEAP_LOCK _HEAP::LockVariable |
Definition at line 260 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugFreeHeap(), RtlDebugGetUserInfoHeap(), RtlDebugReAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugSetUserFlagsHeap(), RtlDebugSetUserValueHeap(), RtlDebugSizeHeap(), RtlDestroyHeap(), RtlFreeHeap(), RtlGetUserInfoHeap(), RtlLockHeap(), RtlpAllocateNonDedicated(), RtlReAllocateHeap(), RtlSetUserFlagsHeap(), RtlSetUserValueHeap(), RtlUnlockHeap(), and RtlValidateHeap().
SIZE_T _HEAP::MaxAllocBytes |
Definition at line 55 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapAllocateEx(), FrLdrHeapCleanupAll(), and FrLdrHeapCreate().
SIZE_T _HEAP::MaximumAllocationSize |
Definition at line 240 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlDebugAllocateHeap(), and RtlDebugReAllocateHeap().
SIZE_T _HEAP::MaximumSize |
Definition at line 53 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapCreate(), FrLdrHeapDestroy(), FrLdrHeapFreeEx(), and FrLdrHeapRelease().
ULONG _HEAP::NumAllocs |
Definition at line 56 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapAllocateEx(), FrLdrHeapCleanupAll(), and FrLdrHeapCreate().
ULONG _HEAP::NumFrees |
Definition at line 57 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapCleanupAll(), FrLdrHeapCreate(), and FrLdrHeapFreeEx().
USHORT _HEAP::ProcessHeapsListIndex |
Definition at line 241 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlpAddHeapToProcessList(), and RtlpRemoveHeapFromProcessList().
Definition at line 258 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlpSplitEntry(), and RtlReAllocateHeap().
SIZE_T _HEAP::SegmentCommit |
Definition at line 236 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlpExtendHeap().
LIST_ENTRY _HEAP::SegmentList |
SIZE_T _HEAP::SegmentReserve |
Definition at line 235 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlpExtendHeap().
Definition at line 253 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlDestroyHeap(), RtlpDeCommitFreeBlock(), RtlpExtendHeap(), RtlpInsertFreeBlock(), RtlpValidateHeap(), and RtlpValidateHeapEntry().
ULONG _HEAP::Signature |
Definition at line 234 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlDebugAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugDestroyHeap(), RtlDebugFreeHeap(), RtlDebugGetUserInfoHeap(), RtlDebugReAllocateHeap(), RtlDebugSetUserFlagsHeap(), RtlDebugSetUserValueHeap(), RtlDebugSizeHeap(), RtlLockHeap(), RtlUnlockHeap(), and RtlValidateHeap().
ULONG_PTR _HEAP::TerminatingBlock |
Definition at line 61 of file heap.c.
Referenced by FrLdrHeapAllocateEx(), FrLdrHeapCreate(), and FrLdrHeapInsertFreeList().
SIZE_T _HEAP::TotalFreeSize |
Definition at line 239 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlFreeHeap(), RtlpCoalesceFreeBlocks(), RtlpInsertFreeBlock(), RtlpSplitEntry(), RtlpValidateHeap(), and RtlReAllocateHeap().
Definition at line 247 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlpCreateUnCommittedRange().
Definition at line 248 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlDestroyHeap(), and RtlpCreateUnCommittedRange().
LIST_ENTRY _HEAP::VirtualAllocdBlocks |
Definition at line 251 of file heap.h.
Referenced by RtlAllocateHeap(), RtlDestroyHeap(), and RtlpValidateHeap().