ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-88-ga65b6ae
resource.h File Reference
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#define IDC_MYICON   2
#define IDB_BITMAP2_STOP_DIS   8
#define IDS_APP_TITLE   103
#define IDM_ABOUT   104
#define IDI_REACTOS_SNDREC32   107
#define IDI_REACTOS_SNDREC32LL   107
#define IDI_SNDREC32   107
#define IDI_SMALL   108
#define IDC_REACTOS_SNDREC32   109
#define IDR_MAINFRAME   128
#define IDB_BITMAP1   132
#define IDB_BITMAP_REC   132
#define IDB_BITMAP2_START   133
#define IDB_BITMAP2_END   134
#define IDB_BITMAP2_PLAY   135
#define IDB_BITMAP2_STOP   136
#define IDB_BITMAP2_REC   137
#define IDI_ICON1   138
#define IDR_MENU1   139
#define IDI_ICON2   140
#define IDB_BITMAP2_END_DIS   141
#define IDB_BITMAP2_PLAY_DIS   142
#define IDB_BITMAP2_REC_DIS   143
#define IDB_BITMAP2_START_DIS   144
#define IDS_STRPOS   400
#define IDS_STRDUR   401
#define IDS_STRBUF   402
#define IDS_STRFMT   403
#define IDS_STRMONO   404
#define IDS_STRSTEREO   405
#define IDS_STRING406   406
#define IDS_STRCHAN   406
#define ID_FILE_NEW   32771
#define ID_FILE_OPEN   32772
#define ID_FILE_SAVE   32773
#define ID_FILE_SAVEAS   32774
#define ID_FILE_RESTORE   32775
#define ID_FILE_PROPERTIES   32776
#define ID_FILE_EXIT   32777
#define ID_ABOUT   32778
#define ID_EDIT_COPY   32779
#define ID_EDIT_PASTE   32780
#define ID_EDIT_PASTEMIX   32781
#define ID_EDIT_INSERTFILE   32782
#define ID_EDIT_MIXFILE   32783
#define ID_EDIT_DELETEBEFORE   32784
#define ID_EDIT_DELETEAFTER   32785
#define ID_EDIT_AUDIOPROPS   32786
#define ID_EFFECTS_INCVOL   32787
#define ID_EFFECTS_DECVOL   32788
#define ID_EFFECTS_INCSPD   32789
#define ID_EFFECTS_DECSPD   32790
#define ID_EFFECTS_ECHO   32791
#define ID_EFFECTS_REVERSE   32792
#define IDC_STATIC   -1

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ID_ABOUT   32778

Definition at line 47 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT_AUDIOPROPS   32786

Definition at line 55 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT_COPY   32779

Definition at line 48 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT_DELETEAFTER   32785

Definition at line 54 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT_DELETEBEFORE   32784

Definition at line 53 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT_INSERTFILE   32782

Definition at line 51 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT_MIXFILE   32783

Definition at line 52 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT_PASTE   32780

Definition at line 49 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EDIT_PASTEMIX   32781

Definition at line 50 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EFFECTS_DECSPD   32790

Definition at line 59 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EFFECTS_DECVOL   32788

Definition at line 57 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EFFECTS_ECHO   32791

Definition at line 60 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EFFECTS_INCSPD   32789

Definition at line 58 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EFFECTS_INCVOL   32787

Definition at line 56 of file resource.h.


#define ID_EFFECTS_REVERSE   32792

Definition at line 61 of file resource.h.


#define ID_FILE_EXIT   32777

Definition at line 46 of file resource.h.


#define ID_FILE_NEW   32771

Definition at line 40 of file resource.h.


#define ID_FILE_OPEN   32772

Definition at line 41 of file resource.h.


#define ID_FILE_PROPERTIES   32776

Definition at line 45 of file resource.h.


#define ID_FILE_RESTORE   32775

Definition at line 44 of file resource.h.


#define ID_FILE_SAVE   32773

Definition at line 42 of file resource.h.


#define ID_FILE_SAVEAS   32774

Definition at line 43 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP1   132

Definition at line 16 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_END   134

Definition at line 19 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_END_DIS   141

Definition at line 26 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_PLAY   135

Definition at line 20 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_PLAY_DIS   142

Definition at line 27 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_REC   137

Definition at line 22 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_REC_DIS   143

Definition at line 28 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_START   133

Definition at line 18 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_START_DIS   144

Definition at line 29 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_STOP   136

Definition at line 21 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP2_STOP_DIS   8

Definition at line 4 of file resource.h.


#define IDB_BITMAP_REC   132

Definition at line 17 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_MYICON   2

Definition at line 3 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_REACTOS_SNDREC32   109

Definition at line 13 of file resource.h.


#define IDC_STATIC   -1

Definition at line 63 of file resource.h.



Definition at line 6 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_ICON1   138

Definition at line 23 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_ICON2   140

Definition at line 25 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_REACTOS_SNDREC32   107

Definition at line 9 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_REACTOS_SNDREC32LL   107

Definition at line 10 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_SMALL   108

Definition at line 12 of file resource.h.


#define IDI_SNDREC32   107

Definition at line 11 of file resource.h.


#define IDM_ABOUT   104

Definition at line 8 of file resource.h.


#define IDR_MAINFRAME   128

Definition at line 15 of file resource.h.


#define IDR_MENU1   139

Definition at line 24 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_APP_TITLE   103

Definition at line 7 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STRBUF   402

Definition at line 33 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STRCHAN   406

Definition at line 38 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STRDUR   401

Definition at line 32 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STRFMT   403

Definition at line 34 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STRING406   406

Definition at line 37 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STRMONO   404

Definition at line 35 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STRPOS   400

Definition at line 31 of file resource.h.


#define IDS_STRSTEREO   405

Definition at line 36 of file resource.h.