ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-814-g656a5dc
This is the complete list of members for IAudioEndpointVolumeEx, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | IUnknown | |
GetChannelCount([out] UINT *pnChannelCount) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
GetChannelVolumeLevel([in] UINT nChannel, [out] FLOAT *fLevelDB) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
GetChannelVolumeLevelScalar([in] UINT nChannel, [out] FLOAT *fLevel) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
GetMasterVolumeLevel([out] FLOAT *fLevelDB) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar([out] FLOAT *fLevel) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
GetMute([out] BOOL *bMute) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
GetVolumeRange([out] FLOAT *pflVolumeMindB, [out] FLOAT *pflVolumeMaxdB, [out] FLOAT *pflVolumeIncrementdB) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
GetVolumeRangeChannel([in] UINT iChannel, [out] FLOAT *pflVolumeMindB, [out] FLOAT *pflVolumeMaxdB, [out] FLOAT *pflVolumeIncrementdB) | IAudioEndpointVolumeEx | |
GetVolumeStepInfo([out] UINT *pnStep, [out] UINT *pnStepCount) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
LPUNKNOWN typedef | IUnknown | |
QueryHardwareSupport([out] DWORD *pdwHardwareSupportMask) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) | IUnknown | |
RegisterControlChangeNotify([in] IAudioEndpointVolumeCallback *pNotify) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
Release() | IUnknown | |
SetChannelVolumeLevel([in] UINT nChannel, [in] FLOAT fLevelDB, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
SetChannelVolumeLevelScalar([in] UINT nChannel, [in] FLOAT fLevel, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
SetMasterVolumeLevel([in] FLOAT fLevelDB, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar([in] FLOAT fLevel, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
SetMute([in] BOOL bMute, [unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
UnregisterControlChangeNotify([in] IAudioEndpointVolumeCallback *pNotify) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
VolumeStepDown([unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext) | IAudioEndpointVolume | |
VolumeStepUp([unique, in] LPCGUID pguidEventContext) | IAudioEndpointVolume |