ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-819-g75c0dc0
This is the complete list of members for nsICategoryManager, including all inherited members.
AddCategoryEntry(const char *aCategory, const char *aEntry, const char *aValue, bool aPersist, bool aReplace, char **_retval) | nsICategoryManager | |
AddRef() | nsISupports | |
DeleteCategory(const char *aCategory) | nsICategoryManager | |
DeleteCategoryEntry(const char *aCategory, const char *aEntry, bool aPersist) | nsICategoryManager | |
EnumerateCategories(nsISimpleEnumerator **_retval) | nsICategoryManager | |
EnumerateCategory(const char *aCategory, nsISimpleEnumerator **_retval) | nsICategoryManager | |
GetCategoryEntry(const char *aCategory, const char *aEntry, char **_retval) | nsICategoryManager | |
QueryInterface(nsIIDRef riid, void **result) | nsISupports | |
Release() | nsISupports |