ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-125-g798ea90
This is the complete list of members for IDVBSTuningSpace, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | IUnknown | |
Clone([out] ITuningSpace **NewTS) | ITuningSpace | |
CreateTuneRequest([out] ITuneRequest **TuneRequest) | ITuningSpace | |
DISPID_COLLECT | IDispatch | |
DISPID_NEWENUM | IDispatch | |
DISPID_UNKNOWN | IDispatch | |
DISPID_VALUE | IDispatch | |
EnumCategoryGUIDs([out] IEnumGUID **ppEnum) | ITuningSpace | |
EnumDeviceMonikers([out] IEnumMoniker **ppEnum) | ITuningSpace | |
get__NetworkType([out] GUID *NetworkTypeGuid) | ITuningSpace | |
get_CLSID([out] BSTR *SpaceCLSID) | ITuningSpace | |
get_DefaultLocator([out] ILocator **LocatorVal) | ITuningSpace | |
get_DefaultPreferredComponentTypes([out] IComponentTypes **ComponentTypes) | ITuningSpace | |
get_FrequencyMapping([out] BSTR *pMapping) | ITuningSpace | |
get_FriendlyName([out] BSTR *Name) | ITuningSpace | |
get_HighOscillator([out] long *HighOscillator) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
get_InputRange([out] BSTR *InputRange) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
get_LNBSwitch([out] long *LNBSwitch) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
get_LowOscillator([out] long *LowOscillator) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
get_NetworkID([out] long *NetworkID) | IDVBTuningSpace2 | |
get_NetworkType([out] BSTR *NetworkTypeGuid) | ITuningSpace | |
get_SpectralInversion([out] SpectralInversion *SpectralInversionVal) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
get_SystemType([out] DVBSystemType *SysType) | IDVBTuningSpace | |
get_UniqueName([out] BSTR *Name) | ITuningSpace | |
GetIDsOfNames([in] REFIID riid, [in, size_is(cNames)] LPOLESTR *rgszNames, [in] UINT cNames, [in] LCID lcid, [out, size_is(cNames)] DISPID *rgDispId) | IDispatch | |
GetTypeInfo([in] UINT iTInfo, [in] LCID lcid, [out] ITypeInfo **ppTInfo) | IDispatch | |
GetTypeInfoCount([out] UINT *pctinfo) | IDispatch | |
Invoke([in] DISPID dispIdMember, [in] REFIID riid, [in] LCID lcid, [in] WORD wFlags, [in, out] DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, [out] VARIANT *pVarResult, [out] EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, [out] UINT *puArgErr) | IDispatch | |
LPDISPATCH typedef | IDispatch | |
LPUNKNOWN typedef | IUnknown | |
put__NetworkType([in] REFCLSID NetworkTypeGuid) | ITuningSpace | |
put_DefaultLocator([in]ILocator *LocatorVal) | ITuningSpace | |
put_DefaultPreferredComponentTypes([in] IComponentTypes *NewComponentTypes) | ITuningSpace | |
put_FrequencyMapping(BSTR Mapping) | ITuningSpace | |
put_FriendlyName([in] BSTR Name) | ITuningSpace | |
put_HighOscillator([in] long HighOscillator) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
put_InputRange([in] BSTR InputRange) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
put_LNBSwitch([in] long LNBSwitch) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
put_LowOscillator([in] long LowOscillator) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
put_NetworkID([in] long NetworkID) | IDVBTuningSpace2 | |
put_NetworkType([in] BSTR NetworkTypeGuid) | ITuningSpace | |
put_SpectralInversion([in] SpectralInversion SpectralInversionVal) | IDVBSTuningSpace | |
put_SystemType([in] DVBSystemType SysType) | IDVBTuningSpace | |
put_UniqueName([in] BSTR Name) | ITuningSpace | |
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) | IUnknown | |
Release() | IUnknown | |
RemoteInvoke([in] DISPID dispIdMember, [in] REFIID riid, [in] LCID lcid, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, [out] VARIANT *pVarResult, [out] EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, [out] UINT *pArgErr, [in] UINT cVarRef, [in, size_is(cVarRef)] UINT *rgVarRefIdx, [in, out, size_is(cVarRef)] VARIANTARG *rgVarRef) | IDispatch |