ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-814-g656a5dc
This is the complete list of members for ATL::CImage, including all inherited members.
_getAllDecoders(UINT &cDecoders) | ATL::CImage | inlineprivatestatic |
_getAllEncoders(UINT &cEncoders) | ATL::CImage | inlineprivatestatic |
AlphaBlend(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, BYTE bSrcAlpha=0xFF, BYTE bBlendOp=AC_SRC_OVER) const | ATL::CImage | inline |
AlphaBlend(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, BYTE bSrcAlpha=0xFF, BYTE bBlendOp=AC_SRC_OVER) const | ATL::CImage | inline |
AlphaBlend(HDC hDestDC, const POINT &pointDest, BYTE bSrcAlpha=0xFF, BYTE bBlendOp=AC_SRC_OVER) const | ATL::CImage | inline |
AlphaBlend(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest, const RECT &rectSrc, BYTE bSrcAlpha=0xFF, BYTE bBlendOp=AC_SRC_OVER) const | ATL::CImage | inline |
Attach(HBITMAP hBitmap, DIBOrientation eOrientation=DIBOR_DEFAULT) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
AttachInternal(HBITMAP hBitmap, DIBOrientation eOrientation, LONG iTransColor) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inlineprivate |
BitBlt(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int xSrc, int ySrc, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
BitBlt(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
BitBlt(HDC hDestDC, const POINT &pointDest, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
BitBlt(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest, const POINT &pointSrc, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
BuildCodecFilterString(const Gdiplus::ImageCodecInfo *pCodecs, UINT cCodecs, CSimpleString &strFilter, CSimpleArray< GUID > &aguidFileTypes, LPCTSTR pszAllFilesDescription, DWORD dwExclude, TCHAR chSeparator) | ATL::CImage | inlineprivatestatic |
CImage() noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
CImage(const CImage &)=delete | ATL::CImage | private |
Create(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBPP, DWORD dwFlags=0) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
createAlphaChannel enum value | ATL::CImage | |
CreateEx(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBPP, DWORD eCompression, const DWORD *pdwBitmasks=NULL, DWORD dwFlags=0) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
CreateInternal(int nWidth, int nHeight, int nBPP, DWORD eCompression, const DWORD *pdwBitmasks=NULL, DWORD dwFlags=0) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inlineprivate |
Destroy() noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
Detach() noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
DIBOR_BOTTOMUP enum value | ATL::CImage | |
DIBOR_DEFAULT enum value | ATL::CImage | |
DIBOR_TOPDOWN enum value | ATL::CImage | |
DIBOrientation enum name | ATL::CImage | |
Draw(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
Draw(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest, const RECT &rectSrc) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
Draw(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
Draw(HDC hDestDC, const POINT &pointDest) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
Draw(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
Draw(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
excludeBMP enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludeDefaultLoad enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludeDefaultSave enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludeEMF enum value | ATL::CImage | |
ExcludeFlags enum name | ATL::CImage | |
excludeGIF enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludeIcon enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludeJPEG enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludeOther enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludePNG enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludeTIFF enum value | ATL::CImage | |
excludeWMF enum value | ATL::CImage | |
FindCodecForExtension(LPCTSTR dotext, const Gdiplus::ImageCodecInfo *pCodecs, UINT nCodecs) | ATL::CImage | inlineprivatestatic |
FindCodecForFileType(REFGUID guidFileType, const Gdiplus::ImageCodecInfo *pCodecs, UINT nCodecs) | ATL::CImage | inlineprivatestatic |
GetBits() noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetBits() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetBPP() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetColorTable(UINT iFirstColor, UINT nColors, RGBQUAD *prgbColors) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetDC() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetExporterFilterString(CSimpleString &strExporters, CSimpleArray< GUID > &aguidFileTypes, LPCTSTR pszAllFilesDescription=NULL, DWORD dwExclude=excludeDefaultSave, TCHAR chSeparator=TEXT('|')) | ATL::CImage | inlinestatic |
GetFileExtension(LPCWSTR pszFileName) const | ATL::CImage | inlineprivate |
GetHeight() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetImporterFilterString(CSimpleString &strImporters, CSimpleArray< GUID > &aguidFileTypes, LPCTSTR pszAllFilesDescription=NULL, DWORD dwExclude=excludeDefaultLoad, TCHAR chSeparator=TEXT('|')) | ATL::CImage | inlinestatic |
GetMaxColorTableEntries() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetPitch() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetPixel(int x, int y) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetPixelAddress(int x, int y) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetPixelAddress(int x, int y) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetTransparentColor() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
GetWidth() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
InitGDIPlus() noexcept | ATL::CImage | inlineprivatestatic |
IsDIBSection() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
IsIndexed() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
IsNull() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
IsTransparencySupported() noexcept | ATL::CImage | inlinestatic |
Load(LPCTSTR pszFileName) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
Load(IStream *pStream) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
LoadFromResource(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR pszResourceName) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
LoadFromResource(HINSTANCE hInstance, UINT nIDResource) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
m_bHasAlphaChannel | ATL::CImage | private |
m_bIsDIBSection | ATL::CImage | private |
m_clrTransparentColor | ATL::CImage | private |
m_hBitmap | ATL::CImage | private |
m_hDC | ATL::CImage | mutableprivate |
m_hOldBitmap | ATL::CImage | mutableprivate |
m_nBPP | ATL::CImage | private |
m_nDCRefCount | ATL::CImage | mutableprivate |
m_nHeight | ATL::CImage | private |
m_nPitch | ATL::CImage | private |
m_nWidth | ATL::CImage | private |
m_pBits | ATL::CImage | private |
MaskBlt(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int xSrc, int ySrc, HBITMAP hbmMask, int xMask, int yMask, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
MaskBlt(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest, const POINT &pointSrc, HBITMAP hbmMask, const POINT &pointMask, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
MaskBlt(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, HBITMAP hbmMask, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
MaskBlt(HDC hDestDC, const POINT &pointDest, HBITMAP hbmMask, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
operator HBITMAP() noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
operator=(const CImage &)=delete | ATL::CImage | private |
PlgBlt(HDC hDestDC, const POINT *pPoints, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, HBITMAP hbmMask=NULL, int xMask=0, int yMask=0) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
PlgBlt(HDC hDestDC, const POINT *pPoints, HBITMAP hbmMask=NULL) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
PlgBlt(HDC hDestDC, const POINT *pPoints, const RECT &rectSrc, HBITMAP hbmMask, const POINT &pointMask) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
PlgBlt(HDC hDestDC, const POINT *pPoints, const RECT &rectSrc, HBITMAP hbmMask=NULL) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
ReleaseDC() const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
ReleaseGDIPlus() | ATL::CImage | inlinestatic |
RGBFromPaletteIndex(int iIndex) const | ATL::CImage | inlineprivate |
s_gdiplus | ATL::CImage | privatestatic |
Save(IStream *pStream, GUID *guidFileType) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
Save(LPCTSTR pszFileName, REFGUID guidFileType=GUID_NULL) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
SetColorTable(UINT iFirstColor, UINT nColors, const RGBQUAD *prgbColors) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
SetPixel(int x, int y, COLORREF color) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
SetPixelIndexed(int x, int y, int iIndex) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
SetPixelRGB(int x, int y, BYTE r, BYTE g, BYTE b) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
SetTransparentColor(COLORREF rgbTransparent) noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
ShouldExcludeFormat(REFGUID guidFileType, DWORD dwExclude) | ATL::CImage | inlineprivatestatic |
StretchBlt(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
StretchBlt(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
StretchBlt(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
StretchBlt(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest, const RECT &rectSrc, DWORD dwROP=SRCCOPY) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
TransparentBlt(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int xSrc, int ySrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, UINT crTransparent=CLR_INVALID) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
TransparentBlt(HDC hDestDC, int xDest, int yDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, UINT crTransparent=CLR_INVALID) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
TransparentBlt(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest, UINT crTransparent=CLR_INVALID) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
TransparentBlt(HDC hDestDC, const RECT &rectDest, const RECT &rectSrc, UINT crTransparent=CLR_INVALID) const noexcept | ATL::CImage | inline |
~CImage() noexcept | ATL::CImage | inlinevirtual |