ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-570-g1868985
This is the complete list of members for ICorDebugModule, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | IUnknown | |
CreateBreakpoint([out] ICorDebugModuleBreakpoint **ppBreakpoint) | ICorDebugModule | |
EnableClassLoadCallbacks([in] BOOL bClassLoadCallbacks) | ICorDebugModule | |
EnableJITDebugging([in] BOOL bTrackJITInfo, [in] BOOL bAllowJitOpts) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetAssembly([out] ICorDebugAssembly **ppAssembly) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetBaseAddress([out] CORDB_ADDRESS *pAddress) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetClassFromToken([in] mdTypeDef typeDef, [out] ICorDebugClass **ppClass) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetEditAndContinueSnapshot([out] ICorDebugEditAndContinueSnapshot **ppEditAndContinueSnapshot) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetFunctionFromRVA([in] CORDB_ADDRESS rva, [out] ICorDebugFunction **ppFunction) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetFunctionFromToken([in] mdMethodDef methodDef, [out] ICorDebugFunction **ppFunction) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetGlobalVariableValue([in] mdFieldDef fieldDef, [out] ICorDebugValue **ppValue) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetMetaDataInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out] IUnknown **ppObj) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetName([in] ULONG32 cchName, [out] ULONG32 *pcchName, [out] WCHAR szName[]) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetProcess([out] ICorDebugProcess **ppProcess) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetSize([out] ULONG32 *pcBytes) | ICorDebugModule | |
GetToken([out] mdModule *pToken) | ICorDebugModule | |
IsDynamic([out] BOOL *pDynamic) | ICorDebugModule | |
IsInMemory([out] BOOL *pInMemory) | ICorDebugModule | |
LPUNKNOWN typedef | IUnknown | |
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) | IUnknown | |
Release() | IUnknown |