ReactOS 0.4.15-dev-7942-gd23573b
IWbemPath Member List

This is the complete list of members for IWbemPath, including all inherited members.

CreateClassPart([in] long lFlags, [in, string] LPCWSTR Name)IWbemPath
DeleteClassPart([in] long lFlags)IWbemPath
GetClassName([in, out] ULONG *puBuffLength, [in, out, string] LPWSTR pszName)IWbemPath
GetInfo([in] ULONG uRequestedInfo, [out] ULONGLONG *puResponse)IWbemPath
GetKeyList([out] IWbemPathKeyList **pOut)IWbemPath
GetNamespaceAt([in] ULONG uIndex, [in, out] ULONG *puNameBufLength, [in, out, string] LPWSTR pName)IWbemPath
GetNamespaceCount([out] ULONG *puCount)IWbemPath
GetScope([in] ULONG uIndex, [in, out] ULONG *puClassNameBufSize, [in, out] LPWSTR pszClass, [out] IWbemPathKeyList **pKeyList)IWbemPath
GetScopeAsText([in] ULONG uIndex, [in, out] ULONG *puTextBufSize, [in, out] LPWSTR pszText)IWbemPath
GetScopeCount([out] ULONG *puCount)IWbemPath
GetServer([in, out] ULONG *puNameBufLength, [in, out, string] LPWSTR pName)IWbemPath
GetText([in] long lFlags, [in, out] ULONG *puBuffLength, [in, out, string] LPWSTR pszText)IWbemPath
IsLocal([in, string] LPCWSTR wszMachine)IWbemPath
IsRelative([in, string] LPWSTR wszMachine, [in, string] LPWSTR wszNamespace)IWbemPath
IsRelativeOrChild([in, string] LPWSTR wszMachine, [in, string] LPWSTR wszNamespace, [in] long lFlags)IWbemPath
IsSameClassName([in, string] LPCWSTR wszClass)IWbemPath
LPUNKNOWN typedefIUnknown
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)IUnknown
RemoveNamespaceAt([in] ULONG uIndex)IWbemPath
RemoveScope([in] ULONG uIndex)IWbemPath
SetClassName([in, string] LPCWSTR Name)IWbemPath
SetNamespaceAt([in] ULONG uIndex, [in, string] LPCWSTR pszName)IWbemPath
SetScope([in] ULONG uIndex, [in] LPWSTR pszClass)IWbemPath
SetScopeFromText([in] ULONG uIndex, [in] LPWSTR pszText)IWbemPath
SetServer([in, string] LPCWSTR Name)IWbemPath
SetText([in] ULONG uMode, [in] LPCWSTR pszPath)IWbemPath