ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-550-g2186ce3
This is the complete list of members for IconWindowClass, including all inherited members.
_atomClass | WindowClass | protected |
cbClsExtra | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
cbSize | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
cbWndExtra | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
hbrBackground | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
hCursor | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
hIcon | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
hIconSm | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
hInstance | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
IconWindowClass(LPCTSTR classname, UINT nid, UINT style=0, WNDPROC wndproc=Window::WindowWndProc) | IconWindowClass | |
lpfnWndProc | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
lpszClassName | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
lpszMenuName | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
operator ATOM() | WindowClass | inline |
operator LPCTSTR() | WindowClass | inline |
Register() | WindowClass | inline |
style | _WNDCLASSEXA | |
WindowClass(LPCTSTR classname, UINT style=0, WNDPROC wndproc=Window::WindowWndProc) | WindowClass |