ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-550-g2186ce3
This is the complete list of members for IImageList, including all inherited members.
Add([in] HBITMAP hbmImage, [in] HBITMAP hbmMask, [out] int *pi) | IImageList | |
AddMasked([in] HBITMAP hbmImage, [in] COLORREF crMask, [out] int *pi) | IImageList | |
AddRef() | IUnknown | |
BeginDrag([in] int iTrack, [in] int dxHotspot, [in] int dyHotspot) | IImageList | |
Clone([in] REFIID riid, [out] PVOID *ppv) | IImageList | |
Copy([in] int iDst, [in] IUnknown *punkSrc, [in] int iSrc, [in] UINT uFlags) | IImageList | |
DragEnter([in] HWND hwndLock, [in] int x, [in] int y) | IImageList | |
DragLeave([in] HWND hwndLock) | IImageList | |
DragMove([in] int x, [in] int y) | IImageList | |
DragShowNolock([in] BOOL fShow) | IImageList | |
Draw([in] IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS *pimldp) | IImageList | |
EndDrag() | IImageList | |
GetBkColor([out] COLORREF *pclr) | IImageList | |
GetDragImage([out] POINT *ppt, [out] POINT *pptHotspot, [out] REFIID riid, [out] PVOID *ppv) | IImageList | |
GetIcon([in] int i, [in] UINT flags, [out] HICON *picon) | IImageList | |
GetIconSize([out] int *cx, [out] int *cy) | IImageList | |
GetImageCount([out] int *pi) | IImageList | |
GetImageInfo([in] int i, [out] IMAGEINFO *pImageInfo) | IImageList | |
GetImageRect([in] int i, [out] RECT *prc) | IImageList | |
GetItemFlags([in] int i, [out] DWORD *dwFlags) | IImageList | |
GetOverlayImage([in] int iOverlay, [out] int *piIndex) | IImageList | |
LPUNKNOWN typedef | IUnknown | |
Merge([in] int i1, [in] IUnknown *punk2, [in] int i2, [in] int dx, [in] int dy, [out] REFIID riid, [out] PVOID *ppv) | IImageList | |
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) | IUnknown | |
Release() | IUnknown | |
Remove([in] int i) | IImageList | |
Replace([in] int i, [in] HBITMAP hbmImage, [in] HBITMAP hbmMask) | IImageList | |
ReplaceIcon([in] int i, [in] HICON hicon, [out] int *pi) | IImageList | |
SetBkColor([in] COLORREF clrBk, [out] COLORREF *pclr) | IImageList | |
SetDragCursorImage([in] IUnknown *punk, [in] int iDrag, [in] int dxHotspot, [in] int dyHotspot) | IImageList | |
SetIconSize([in] int cx, [in] int cy) | IImageList | |
SetImageCount([in] UINT uNewCount) | IImageList | |
SetOverlayImage([in] int iImage, [in] int iOverlay) | IImageList |