ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-122-g325d74c
This is the complete list of members for FxDmaPacketTransaction, including all inherited members.
__drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL)) VOID DeletedAndDisposedWorkerLocked(__in __drv_when(Unlock | FxObject | private |
_Acquires_lock_(this) VOID __drv_raisesIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) LockTransferState(__out __drv_deref(__drv_savesIRQL) KIRQL *OldIrql) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
FxDmaTransactionBase::_Acquires_lock_(this->m_NPLock.m_Lock) __drv_maxIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) __drv_setsIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) VOID Lock(__out __drv_deref(__drv_savesIRQL) PKIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
_AdapterControl(__in PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, __in PIRP Irp, __in PVOID MapRegisterBase, __in PVOID Context) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protectedstatic |
_CalculateRequiredMapRegisters(__in PMDL Mdl, __in size_t CurrentOffset, __in ULONG Length, __in ULONG AvailableMapRegisters, __out_opt PULONG PossibleTransferLength, __out PULONG MapRegistersRequired) | FxDmaTransactionBase | static |
_CleanupPointer(__in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxObject *Object) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_ComputeNextTransferAddress(__in PMDL CurrentMdl, __in size_t CurrentOffset, __in ULONG Transferred, __deref_out PMDL *NextMdl, __out size_t *NextOffset) | FxDmaTransactionBase | static |
_Create(__in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, __in FxDmaEnabler *DmaEnabler, __out WDFDMATRANSACTION *Transaction) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | static |
_DereferenceActual(__in WDFOBJECT Object, __in_opt PVOID Tag, __in LONG Line, __in PSTR File) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_FromDisposeEntry(__in PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY Entry) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_GetBase(__in FxObject *Object) | FxObject | inlineprotectedstatic |
_GetDebugBase(__in FxObject *Object) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_GetEffectiveLock(__in FxObject *Object, __in_opt IFxHasCallbacks *Callbacks, __in BOOLEAN AutomaticLocking, __in BOOLEAN PassiveCallbacks, __out FxCallbackLock **CallbackLock, __out_opt FxObject **CallbackLockObject) | FxObject | static |
_GetObjectFromHandle(__in WDFOBJECT Handle, __inout PWDFOBJECT_OFFSET ObjectOffset) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_ObjectQuery(_In_ FxObject *Object, _In_ CONST GUID *Guid, _In_ ULONG QueryBufferLength, _Out_writes_bytes_(QueryBufferLength) PVOID QueryBuffer) | FxObject | static |
_ReferenceActual(__in WDFOBJECT Object, __in_opt PVOID Tag, __in LONG Line, __in PSTR File) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_Releases_lock_(this->m_NPLock.m_Lock) __drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) __inline VOID Unlock(__in __drv_restoresIRQL KIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
_Requires_lock_held_(this) _Releases_lock_(this) VOID UnlockTransferState(__in __drv_restoresIRQL KIRQL OldIrql) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
FxDmaTransactionBase::_Requires_lock_held_(this->m_NPLock.m_Lock) _Releases_lock_(this -> m_NPLock.m_Lock) __drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) __inline VOID UnlockFromDispatch(VOID) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
_ToHandle(__in FxObject *Object) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_When_(Unlock, _Releases_lock_(this->m_SpinLock.m_Lock)) __drv_when(Unlock | FxObject | private |
AcquireDevice(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
AddChildObjectInternal(__in FxObject *ChildObject) | FxObject | private |
AddContext(__in FxContextHeader *Header, __in PVOID *Context, __in PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes) | FxObject | |
AddRef(__in_opt PVOID Tag=NULL, __in LONG Line=0, __in_opt PSTR File=NULL) | FxObject | inline |
AddRefOverride(__in WDFOBJECT_OFFSET Offset, __in_opt PVOID Tag=NULL, __in LONG Line=0, __in_opt PSTR File=NULL) | FxObject | inlinevirtual |
AllocateAdapterChannel(__in BOOLEAN MapRegistersReserved) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
AllocateTagTracker(__in WDFTYPE Type) | FxObject | protected |
AssignParentObject(__in FxObject *ParentObject) | FxObject | |
CallCleanup(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
CallCleanupCallbacks(VOID) | FxObject | private |
CallEvtDmaCompleted(__in DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotectedvirtual |
CancelResourceAllocation(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | |
CanDefer | FxObject | private |
CanDefer | FxObject | private |
ClearEvtCallbacks(VOID) | FxObject | |
ClearMapRegisterBase(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
ClearRequest(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
Commit(__in_opt PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, __out_opt WDFOBJECT *ObjectHandle, __in_opt FxObject *Parent=NULL, __in BOOLEAN AssignDriverAsDefaultParent=TRUE) | FxObject | |
Committed | FxObject | |
CompletionStatus | FxDmaPacketTransaction | |
Construct(__in BOOLEAN Embedded) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
CurrentStagingThread | FxDmaPacketTransaction | |
DeferredDisposeWorkItem(VOID) | FxObject | private |
DeleteCalled | FxObject | |
DeleteEarlyDisposedObject(VOID) | FxObject | protected |
DeleteFromFailedCreate(VOID) | FxObject | |
DeleteObject(VOID) | FxObject | virtual |
DestroyChildren(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotected |
Dispose(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | virtual |
DmaCompleted(__in size_t TransferredLength, __out NTSTATUS *ReturnStatus, __in FxDmaCompletionType CompletionType) | FxDmaTransactionBase | |
EarlyDispose(VOID) | FxObject | |
EarlyDisposedExt | FxObject | |
Execute(__in PVOID Context) | FxDmaTransactionBase | |
FinalRelease(VOID) | FxObject | private |
FlushAdapterBuffers(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
ForceDisposeThread | FxObject | |
FreeMapRegistersAndAdapter(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotectedvirtual |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1(VOID, VerifyConstruct, _In_ BOOLEAN) | FxObject | private |
FxDisposeList | FxObject | private |
FxDmaPacketTransaction(__in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in USHORT ObjectSize, __in USHORT ExtraSize, __in FxDmaEnabler *DmaEnabler) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protected |
FxDmaTransactionBase(__in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in USHORT ObjectSize, __in USHORT ExtraSize, __in FxDmaEnabler *DmaEnabler) | FxDmaTransactionBase | |
FxNonPagedObject(__in WDFTYPE Type, __in USHORT Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
FxNonPagedObject(__in WDFTYPE Type, __in USHORT Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxObjectType ObjectType) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
FxObject(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
FxObject(__in WDFTYPE Type, __in USHORT Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxObjectType ObjectType) | FxObject | protected |
FxObject(__in WDFTYPE Type, __in USHORT Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals) | FxObject | |
GetAdapterControlReturnValue(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetBytesTransferred(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
GetCOMWrapper() | FxObject | inline |
GetContextHeader(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetCurrentFragmentLength(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
GetDebugExtension(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotected |
GetDevice(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetDeviceBase(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetDmaEnabler(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
GetDriverGlobals(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetHandle(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
GetMapRegisterBase(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
GetMaximumFragmentLength(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
GetObjectHandle(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetObjectHandleUnchecked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotected |
GetObjectSize(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetParentObjectReferenced(__in PVOID Tag) | FxObject | |
GetRefCnt(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetRequest(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
GetStartVaFromOffset(__in PMDL Mdl, __in size_t Offset) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inlineprotectedstatic |
GetTagTracker(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetTransactionState(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
GetTransferCompletionRoutine(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetTransferContext(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
GetTransferInfo(__out_opt ULONG *MapRegisterCount, __out_opt ULONG *ScatterGatherElementCount) | FxDmaTransactionBase | |
GetType(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
HasDebug | FxObject | |
Initialize(__in PFN_WDF_PROGRAM_DMA ProgramDmaFunction, __in WDF_DMA_DIRECTION DmaDirection, __in PMDL Mdl, __in size_t Offset, __in ULONG Length) | FxDmaTransactionBase | |
InitializeResources(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | virtual |
IsCommitted(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
IsDebug(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotected |
IsDisposed(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
IsForceDisposeThread(__in BOOLEAN AcquireLock=TRUE) | FxObject | inline |
IsForceDisposeThreadLocked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
IsMapRegisterBaseSet(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
IsNoDeleteDDI(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
IsPassiveCallbacks(__in BOOLEAN AcquireLock=TRUE) | FxObject | inline |
IsPassiveCallbacksLocked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
IsPassiveDispose(__in BOOLEAN AcquireLock=TRUE) | FxObject | inline |
IsPassiveDisposeLocked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
IsRequestReferenced(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
IsTraceState(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
m_AdapterInfo | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_ChildEntry | FxObject | private |
m_ChildListHead | FxObject | private |
m_COMWrapper | FxObject | private |
m_CurrentFragmentLength | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_CurrentFragmentMdl | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_CurrentFragmentOffset | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_Device | FxObject | |
m_DeviceAddressOffset | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protected |
m_DeviceBase | FxObject | |
m_DisposeSingleEntry | FxObject | private |
m_DmaAcquiredContext | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_DmaAcquiredFunction | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_DmaDirection | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_DmaEnabler | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_EncodedRequest | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_Flags | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_Globals | FxObject | private |
m_IsCancelled | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protected |
m_MapRegisterBase | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protected |
m_MapRegisterBaseSet | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protected |
m_MapRegistersNeeded | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protected |
m_MapRegistersReserved | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protected |
m_MaxFragmentLength | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_NPLock | FxNonPagedObject | private |
m_ObjectFlags | FxObject | |
m_ObjectFlagsByName | FxObject | |
m_ObjectSize | FxObject | private |
m_ObjectState | FxObject | private |
m_ParentObject | FxObject | private |
m_Refcnt | FxObject | private |
m_Remaining | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_SpinLock | FxObject | private |
m_StartMdl | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_StartOffset | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_State | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_TransactionLength | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_TransferContext | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_Transferred | FxDmaTransactionBase | protected |
m_TransferState | FxDmaPacketTransaction | protected |
m_Type | FxObject | private |
MapTransfer(__out_bcount_opt(ScatterGatherListCb) PSCATTER_GATHER_LIST ScatterGatherList, __in ULONG ScatterGatherListCb, __in_opt PDMA_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CompletionRoutine, __in_opt PVOID CompletionContext, __out ULONG *TransferLength) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
MarkCommitted(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
MarkDeleteCalledLocked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
MarkDisposeOverride(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkForceDisposeThread(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkNoDeleteDDI(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkPassiveCallbacks(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkPassiveDispose(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkTraceState(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
NoDeleteDDI | FxObject | |
OldIrql | FxObject | private |
OldIrql | FxObject | private |
operator delete(__in PVOID Memory) | FxObject | |
operator new(__in size_t Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxObjectType Type) | FxObject | inline |
operator new(__in size_t Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in_opt PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, __in USHORT ExtraSize=0) | FxObject | inline |
ParentDeleteEvent(VOID) | FxObject | private |
PassiveCallbacks | FxObject | |
PassiveDispose | FxObject | |
PerformEarlyDispose(VOID) | FxObject | private |
PreMapTransfer(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotectedvirtual |
ProcessDestroy(VOID) | FxObject | private |
QueryInterface(__in FxQueryInterfaceParams *Params) | FxObject | virtual |
QueueDeferredDisposeLocked(__in FxObjectState NewDeferedState) | FxObject | private |
ReferenceRequest(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
Release(__in_opt PVOID Tag=NULL, __in LONG Line=0, __in_opt PSTR File=NULL) | FxObject | inlinevirtual |
ReleaseAdapter(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | |
ReleaseButRetainRequest(VOID) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
ReleaseDevice(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
ReleaseForReuse(__in BOOLEAN ForceRelease) | FxDmaTransactionBase | |
ReleaseOverride(__in WDFOBJECT_OFFSET Offset, __in_opt PVOID Tag=NULL, __in LONG Line=0, __in_opt PSTR File=NULL) | FxObject | inlinevirtual |
ReleaseResources(__in BOOLEAN ForceRelease) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | virtual |
RemoveChildObjectInternal(__in FxObject *ChildObject) | FxObject | private |
RemoveParentAssignment(VOID) | FxObject | |
RemoveParentAssociation(VOID) | FxObject | private |
RerunCompletion | FxDmaPacketTransaction | |
RerunStaging | FxDmaPacketTransaction | |
ReserveAdapter(__in ULONG NumberOfMapRegisters, __in WDF_DMA_DIRECTION Direction, __in PFN_WDF_RESERVE_DMA Callback, __in_opt PVOID Context) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | |
Reuse(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SelfDestruct(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SetCOMWrapper(__drv_aliasesMem PVOID Wrapper) | FxObject | inline |
SetDeviceAddressOffset(__in ULONG Offset) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inline |
SetDeviceBase(__in CfxDeviceBase *DeviceBase) | FxObject | inline |
SetImmediateExecution(__in BOOLEAN Value) | FxDmaTransactionBase | |
SetMapRegisterBase(__in PVOID Value) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | inlineprotected |
SetMaximumFragmentLength(size_t MaximumFragmentLength) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
SetNoContextHeader(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
SetObjectStateLocked(__in FxObjectState NewState) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
SetRequest(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxDmaTransactionBase | inline |
ShouldDeferDisposeLocked(__out_opt PKIRQL PreviousIrql=NULL) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
StageTransfer(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | virtual |
StartTransfer(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | virtual |
TraceDroppedEvent(__in FxObjectDroppedEvent Event) | FxObject | inline |
TraceState | FxObject | |
TransferCompleted(VOID) | FxDmaPacketTransaction | virtual |
UfxObject | FxObject | private |
Unlock | FxObject | private |
Unused | FxObject | |
~FxNonPagedObject(VOID) | FxNonPagedObject | inlinevirtual |
~FxObject(VOID) | FxObject | virtual |