ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-814-g656a5dc
This is the complete list of members for MSXML2::ISAXAttributes, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | IUnknown | |
getIndexFromName([in] const WCHAR *pUri, [in] int cUriLength, [in] const WCHAR *pLocalName, [in] int cocalNameLength, [out, retval] int *index) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getIndexFromQName([in] const WCHAR *pQName, [in] int nQNameLength, [out, retval] int *index) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getLength([out, retval] int *length) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getLocalName([in] int nIndex, [out] const WCHAR **pLocalName, [out] int *pLocalNameLength) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getName([in] int nIndex, [out] const WCHAR **pUri, [out] int *pUriLength, [out] const WCHAR **pLocalName, [out] int *pLocalNameSize, [out] const WCHAR **pQName, [out] int *pQNameLength) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getQName([in] int nIndex, [out] const WCHAR **pQName, [out] int *pQNameLength) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getType([in] int nIndex, [out] const WCHAR **pType, [out] int *pTypeLength) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getTypeFromName([in] const WCHAR *pUri, [in] int nUri, [in] const WCHAR *pLocalName, [in] int nLocalName, [out] const WCHAR **pType, [out] int *nType) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getTypeFromQName([in] const WCHAR *pQName, [in] int nQName, [out] const WCHAR **pType, [out] int *nType) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getURI([in] int nIndex, [out] const WCHAR **pUrl, [out] int *pUriSize) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getValue([in] int nIndex, [out] const WCHAR **pValue, [out] int *nValue) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getValueFromName([in] const WCHAR *pUri, [in] int nUri, [in] const WCHAR *pLocalName, [in] int nLocalName, [out] const WCHAR **pValue, [out] int *nValue) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
getValueFromQName([in] const WCHAR *pQName, [in] int nQName, [out] const WCHAR **pValue, [out] int *nValue) | MSXML2::ISAXAttributes | |
LPUNKNOWN typedef | IUnknown | |
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) | IUnknown | |
Release() | IUnknown |