ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-716-g2b2bdab
This is the complete list of members for nsIDocShell, including all inherited members.
AddChild(nsIDocShellTreeItem *child) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
AddChildSHEntry(nsISHEntry *aCloneReference, nsISHEntry *aHistoryEntry, int32_t aChildOffset, uint32_t aLoadType, bool aCloneChildren) | nsIDocShell | |
AddRef() | nsISupports | |
AddSessionStorage(nsIPrincipal *principal, nsIDOMStorage *storage) | nsIDocShell | |
AddState(jsval *aData, const nsAString *aTitle, const nsAString *aURL, bool aReplace, JSContext *cx) | nsIDocShell | |
AddWeakPrivacyTransitionObserver(nsIPrivacyTransitionObserver *obs) | nsIDocShell | |
AddWeakReflowObserver(nsISupports *obs) | nsIDocShell | |
AddWeakScrollObserver(void *obs) | nsIDocShell | |
BeginRestore(nsIContentViewer *viewer, bool top) | nsIDocShell | |
CreateAboutBlankContentViewer(nsIPrincipal *aPrincipal) | nsIDocShell | |
CreateLoadInfo(nsIDocShellLoadInfo **loadInfo) | nsIDocShell | |
DetachEditorFromWindow() | nsIDocShell | |
DisplayLoadError(nsresult aError, nsIURI *aURI, const PRUnichar *aURL, nsIChannel *aFailedChannel) | nsIDocShell | |
DoCommand(const char *command) | nsIDocShell | |
FindChildWithName(const PRUnichar *aName, bool aRecurse, bool aSameType, nsIDocShellTreeItem *aRequestor, nsIDocShellTreeItem *aOriginalRequestor, nsIDocShellTreeItem **_retval) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
FindItemWithName(const PRUnichar *name, nsISupports *aRequestor, nsIDocShellTreeItem *aOriginalRequestor, nsIDocShellTreeItem **_retval) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
FinishRestore() | nsIDocShell | |
FirePageHideNotification(bool isUnload) | nsIDocShell | |
GatherCharsetMenuTelemetry() | nsIDocShell | |
GetAffectPrivateSessionLifetime(bool *aAffectPrivateSessionLifetime) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowAuth(bool *aAllowAuth) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowContentRetargeting(bool *aAllowContentRetargeting) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowContentRetargetingOnChildren(bool *aAllowContentRetargetingOnChildren) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowDNSPrefetch(bool *aAllowDNSPrefetch) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowImages(bool *aAllowImages) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowJavascript(bool *aAllowJavascript) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowMedia(bool *aAllowMedia) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowMetaRedirects(bool *aAllowMetaRedirects) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowMixedContentAndConnectionData(bool *rootHasSecureConnection, bool *allowMixedContent, bool *isRootDocShell) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowPlugins(bool *aAllowPlugins) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowSubframes(bool *aAllowSubframes) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAllowWindowControl(bool *aAllowWindowControl) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAppId(uint32_t *aAppId) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAppManifestURL(nsAString *aAppManifestURL) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAppType(uint32_t *aAppType) | nsIDocShell | |
GetAsyncPanZoomEnabled(bool *aAsyncPanZoomEnabled) | nsIDocShell | |
GetBusyFlags(uint32_t *aBusyFlags) | nsIDocShell | |
GetCanExecuteScripts(bool *aCanExecuteScripts) | nsIDocShell | |
GetChannelIsUnsafe(bool *aChannelIsUnsafe) | nsIDocShell | |
GetCharset(nsACString *aCharset) | nsIDocShell | |
GetChildAt(int32_t index, nsIDocShellTreeItem **_retval) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetChildCount(int32_t *aChildCount) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetChildSHEntry(int32_t aChildOffset, nsISHEntry **_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
GetChromeEventHandler(nsIDOMEventTarget **aChromeEventHandler) | nsIDocShell | |
GetContentViewer(nsIContentViewer **aContentViewer) | nsIDocShell | |
GetCreatedDynamically(bool *aCreatedDynamically) | nsIDocShell | |
GetCurrentDocumentChannel(nsIChannel **aCurrentDocumentChannel) | nsIDocShell | |
GetCurrentSHEntry(nsISHEntry **aEntry, bool *_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
GetDefaultLoadFlags(nsLoadFlags *aDefaultLoadFlags) | nsIDocShell | |
GetDeviceSizeIsPageSize(bool *aDeviceSizeIsPageSize) | nsIDocShell | |
GetDisableNoScript(bool *aDisableNoScript) | nsIDocShell | |
GetDocShellEnumerator(int32_t aItemType, int32_t aDirection, nsISimpleEnumerator **_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
GetDocument() | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetEditable(bool *aEditable) | nsIDocShell | |
GetEditor(nsIEditor **aEditor) | nsIDocShell | |
GetEldestPresShell(nsIPresShell **aEldestPresShell) | nsIDocShell | |
GetFailedChannel(nsIChannel **aFailedChannel) | nsIDocShell | |
GetForcedCharset(nsIAtom **aForcedCharset) | nsIDocShell | |
GetFullscreenAllowed(bool *aFullscreenAllowed) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHasEditingSession(bool *aHasEditingSession) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHasLoadedNonBlankURI(bool *aHasLoadedNonBlankURI) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHasMixedActiveContentBlocked(bool *aHasMixedActiveContentBlocked) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHasMixedActiveContentLoaded(bool *aHasMixedActiveContentLoaded) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHasMixedDisplayContentBlocked(bool *aHasMixedDisplayContentBlocked) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHasMixedDisplayContentLoaded(bool *aHasMixedDisplayContentLoaded) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHasTrackingContentBlocked(bool *aHasTrackingContentBlocked) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHasTrackingContentLoaded(bool *aHasTrackingContentLoaded) | nsIDocShell | |
GetHistoryID(uint64_t *aHistoryID) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsActive(bool *aIsActive) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsApp(bool *aIsApp) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsAppTab(bool *aIsAppTab) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsBrowserElement(bool *aIsBrowserElement) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsBrowserOrApp(bool *aIsBrowserOrApp) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsExecutingOnLoadHandler(bool *aIsExecutingOnLoadHandler) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsInBrowserElement(bool *aIsInBrowserElement) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsInBrowserOrApp(bool *aIsInBrowserOrApp) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsInUnload(bool *aIsInUnload) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsOffScreenBrowser(bool *aIsOffScreenBrowser) | nsIDocShell | |
GetIsPrerendered(bool *aIsPrerendered) | nsIDocShell | |
GetItemType(int32_t *aItemType) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetLayoutHistoryState(nsILayoutHistoryState **aLayoutHistoryState) | nsIDocShell | |
GetLoadedTransIndex(int32_t *aLoadedTransIndex) | nsIDocShell | |
GetLoadType(uint32_t *aLoadType) | nsIDocShell | |
GetMarginHeight(int32_t *aMarginHeight) | nsIDocShell | |
GetMarginWidth(int32_t *aMarginWidth) | nsIDocShell | |
GetMayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu(bool *aMayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu) | nsIDocShell | |
GetMixedContentChannel(nsIChannel **aMixedContentChannel) | nsIDocShell | |
GetName(nsAString *aName) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetOnePermittedSandboxedNavigator(nsIDocShell **aOnePermittedSandboxedNavigator) | nsIDocShell | |
GetOpener() | nsIDocShell | |
GetParent(nsIDocShellTreeItem **aParent) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetParentCharset(nsACString *parentCharset, int32_t *parentCharsetSource, nsIPrincipal **parentCharsetPrincipal) | nsIDocShell | |
GetPaymentRequestId(nsAString *aPaymentRequestId) | nsIDocShell | |
GetPresContext(void **aPresContext) | nsIDocShell | |
GetPresShell() | nsIDocShell | |
GetPreviousTransIndex(int32_t *aPreviousTransIndex) | nsIDocShell | |
GetPrintPreview(nsIWebBrowserPrint **aPrintPreview) | nsIDocShell | |
GetRecordProfileTimelineMarkers(bool *aRecordProfileTimelineMarkers) | nsIDocShell | |
GetRestoringDocument(bool *aRestoringDocument) | nsIDocShell | |
GetRootTreeItem(nsIDocShellTreeItem **aRootTreeItem) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetSameTypeParent(nsIDocShellTreeItem **aSameTypeParent) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetSameTypeParentIgnoreBrowserAndAppBoundaries(nsIDocShell **_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
GetSameTypeRootTreeItem(nsIDocShellTreeItem **aSameTypeRootTreeItem) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetSandboxFlags(uint32_t *aSandboxFlags) | nsIDocShell | |
GetScriptGlobalObject() | nsIDocShell | |
GetSecurityUI(nsISecureBrowserUI **aSecurityUI) | nsIDocShell | |
GetSessionStorageForPrincipal(nsIPrincipal *principal, const nsAString *documentURI, bool create, nsIDOMStorage **_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
GetShouldSaveLayoutState(bool *aShouldSaveLayoutState) | nsIDocShell | |
GetTreeOwner(nsIDocShellTreeOwner **aTreeOwner) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetURLSearchParams() | nsIDocShell | |
GetUseErrorPages(bool *aUseErrorPages) | nsIDocShell | |
GetUseGlobalHistory(bool *aUseGlobalHistory) | nsIDocShell | |
GetWindow() | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
GetWindowDraggingAllowed(bool *aWindowDraggingAllowed) | nsIDocShell | |
GetZoom(float *aZoom) | nsIDocShell | |
HistoryPurged(int32_t numEntries) | nsIDocShell | |
InternalLoad(nsIURI *aURI, nsIURI *aReferrer, uint32_t aReferrerPolicy, nsISupports *aOwner, uint32_t aFlags, const PRUnichar *aWindowTarget, const char *aTypeHint, nsACString *aFileName, nsIInputStream *aPostDataStream, nsIInputStream *aHeadersStream, uint32_t aLoadFlags, nsISHEntry *aSHEntry, bool firstParty, const nsAString *aSrcdoc, nsIDocShell *aSourceDocShell, nsIURI *aBaseURI, nsIDocShell **aDocShell, nsIRequest **aRequest) | nsIDocShell | |
IsBeingDestroyed(bool *_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
IsCommandEnabled(const char *command, bool *_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
IsInvisible() | nsIDocShell | |
IsSandboxedFrom(nsIDocShell *aTargetDocShell) | nsIDocShell | |
ItemType() | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
LoadStream(nsIInputStream *aStream, nsIURI *aURI, const nsACString *aContentType, const nsACString *aContentCharset, nsIDocShellLoadInfo *aLoadInfo) | nsIDocShell | |
LoadURI(nsIURI *uri, nsIDocShellLoadInfo *loadInfo, uint32_t aLoadFlags, bool firstParty) | nsIDocShell | |
MakeEditable(bool inWaitForUriLoad) | nsIDocShell | |
NameEquals(const PRUnichar *name, bool *_retval) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
NotifyJSRunToCompletionStart(const char *aReason, const char16_t *functionName, const char16_t *fileName, uint32_t lineNumber) | nsIDocShell | |
NotifyJSRunToCompletionStop() | nsIDocShell | |
NotifyReflowObservers(bool interruptible, int start, int end) | nsIDocShell | |
NotifyScrollObservers() | nsIDocShell | |
Now(int *_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
PluginsAllowedInCurrentDoc() | nsIDocShell | |
PopProfileTimelineMarkers(JSContext *cx, void *_retval) | nsIDocShell | |
PrepareForNewContentModel() | nsIDocShell | |
QueryInterface(nsIIDRef riid, void **result) | nsISupports | |
Release() | nsISupports | |
RemoveChild(nsIDocShellTreeItem *child) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
RemoveFromSessionHistory() | nsIDocShell | |
RemoveWeakReflowObserver(nsISupports *obs) | nsIDocShell | |
RemoveWeakScrollObserver(void *obs) | nsIDocShell | |
ResumeRefreshURIs() | nsIDocShell | |
SetAffectPrivateSessionLifetime(bool aAffectPrivateSessionLifetime) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowAuth(bool aAllowAuth) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowContentRetargeting(bool aAllowContentRetargeting) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowContentRetargetingOnChildren(bool aAllowContentRetargetingOnChildren) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowDNSPrefetch(bool aAllowDNSPrefetch) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowImages(bool aAllowImages) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowJavascript(bool aAllowJavascript) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowMedia(bool aAllowMedia) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowMetaRedirects(bool aAllowMetaRedirects) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowPlugins(bool aAllowPlugins) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowSubframes(bool aAllowSubframes) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAllowWindowControl(bool aAllowWindowControl) | nsIDocShell | |
SetAppType(uint32_t aAppType) | nsIDocShell | |
SetCharset(nsACString *aCharset) | nsIDocShell | |
SetChildOffset(uint32_t offset) | nsIDocShell | |
SetChromeEventHandler(nsIDOMEventTarget *aChromeEventHandler) | nsIDocShell | |
SetCreatedDynamically(bool aCreatedDynamically) | nsIDocShell | |
SetCurrentURI(nsIURI *aURI) | nsIDocShell | |
SetDefaultLoadFlags(nsLoadFlags aDefaultLoadFlags) | nsIDocShell | |
SetDeviceSizeIsPageSize(bool aDeviceSizeIsPageSize) | nsIDocShell | |
SetDisableNoScript(bool aDisableNoScript) | nsIDocShell | |
SetEditor(nsIEditor *aEditor) | nsIDocShell | |
SetForcedCharset(nsIAtom *aForcedCharset) | nsIDocShell | |
SetFullscreenAllowed(bool allowed) | nsIDocShell | |
SetInvisible(bool aIsInvisibleDochsell) | nsIDocShell | |
SetIsActive(bool aIsActive) | nsIDocShell | |
SetIsApp(uint32_t ownAppId) | nsIDocShell | |
SetIsAppTab(bool aIsAppTab) | nsIDocShell | |
SetIsBrowserInsideApp(uint32_t containingAppId) | nsIDocShell | |
SetIsOffScreenBrowser(bool aIsOffScreenBrowser) | nsIDocShell | |
SetIsPrerendered(bool prerendered) | nsIDocShell | |
SetItemType(int32_t aItemType) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
SetLayoutHistoryState(nsILayoutHistoryState *aLayoutHistoryState) | nsIDocShell | |
SetLoadType(uint32_t aLoadType) | nsIDocShell | |
SetMarginHeight(int32_t aMarginHeight) | nsIDocShell | |
SetMarginWidth(int32_t aMarginWidth) | nsIDocShell | |
SetMixedContentChannel(nsIChannel *aMixedContentChannel) | nsIDocShell | |
SetName(const nsAString *aName) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
SetOnePermittedSandboxedNavigator(nsIDocShell *aOnePermittedSandboxedNavigator) | nsIDocShell | |
SetOpener(void *aOpener) | nsIDocShell | |
SetParentCharset(const nsACString *parentCharset, int32_t parentCharsetSource, nsIPrincipal *parentCharsetPrincipal) | nsIDocShell | |
SetPaymentRequestId(const nsAString *aPaymentRequestId) | nsIDocShell | |
SetRecordProfileTimelineMarkers(bool aRecordProfileTimelineMarkers) | nsIDocShell | |
SetSandboxFlags(uint32_t aSandboxFlags) | nsIDocShell | |
SetSecurityUI(nsISecureBrowserUI *aSecurityUI) | nsIDocShell | |
SetTreeOwner(nsIDocShellTreeOwner *treeOwner) | nsIDocShellTreeItem | |
SetUseErrorPages(bool aUseErrorPages) | nsIDocShell | |
SetUseGlobalHistory(bool aUseGlobalHistory) | nsIDocShell | |
SetWindowDraggingAllowed(bool aWindowDraggingAllowed) | nsIDocShell | |
SetZoom(float aZoom) | nsIDocShell | |
SuspendRefreshURIs() | nsIDocShell | |
TabToTreeOwner(bool forward, bool *tookFocus) | nsIDocShell |