ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-737-g3368adc
This is the complete list of members for ID3D10Device, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | IUnknown | |
CheckCounter([in] const D3D10_COUNTER_DESC *pDesc, [out] D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE *pType, [out] UINT *pActiveCounters, [out] char *name, [in, out] UINT *pNameLength, [out] char *units, [in, out] UINT *pUnitsLength, [out] char *description, [in, out] UINT *pDescriptionLength) | ID3D10Device | |
CheckCounterInfo([out] D3D10_COUNTER_INFO *pCounterInfo) | ID3D10Device | |
CheckFormatSupport([in] DXGI_FORMAT Format, [out] UINT *pFormatSupport) | ID3D10Device | |
CheckMultisampleQualityLevels([in] DXGI_FORMAT Format, [in] UINT SampleCount, [out] UINT *pNumQualityLevels) | ID3D10Device | |
ClearDepthStencilView([in] ID3D10DepthStencilView *pDepthStencilView, [in] UINT ClearFlags, [in] FLOAT Depth, [in] UINT8 Stencil) | ID3D10Device | |
ClearRenderTargetView([in] ID3D10RenderTargetView *pRenderTargetView, [in] const FLOAT ColorRGBA[4]) | ID3D10Device | |
ClearState() | ID3D10Device | |
CopyResource([in] ID3D10Resource *pDstResource, [in] ID3D10Resource *pSrcResource) | ID3D10Device | |
CopySubresourceRegion([in] ID3D10Resource *pDstResource, [in] UINT DstSubresource, [in] UINT DstX, [in] UINT DstY, [in] UINT DstZ, [in] ID3D10Resource *pSrcResource, [in] UINT SrcSubresource, [in] const D3D10_BOX *pSrcBox) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateBlendState([in] const D3D10_BLEND_DESC *pBlendStateDesc, [out] ID3D10BlendState **ppBlendState) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateBuffer([in] const D3D10_BUFFER_DESC *pDesc, [in] const D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *pInitialData, [out] ID3D10Buffer **ppBuffer) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateCounter([in] const D3D10_COUNTER_DESC *pCounterDesc, [out] ID3D10Counter **ppCounter) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateDepthStencilState([in] const D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC *pDepthStencilDesc, [out] ID3D10DepthStencilState **ppDepthStencilState) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateDepthStencilView([in] ID3D10Resource *pResource, [in] const D3D10_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC *pDesc, [out] ID3D10DepthStencilView **ppDepthStencilView) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateGeometryShader([in] const void *pShaderBytecode, [in] SIZE_T BytecodeLength, [out] ID3D10GeometryShader **ppGeometryShader) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput([in] const void *pShaderBytecode, [in] SIZE_T BytecodeLength, [in] const D3D10_SO_DECLARATION_ENTRY *pSODeclaration, [in] UINT NumEntries, [in] UINT OutputStreamStride, [out] ID3D10GeometryShader **ppGeometryShader) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateInputLayout([in] const D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC *pInputElementDescs, [in] UINT NumElements, [in] const void *pShaderBytecodeWithInputSignature, [in] SIZE_T BytecodeLength, [out] ID3D10InputLayout **ppInputLayout) | ID3D10Device | |
CreatePixelShader([in] const void *pShaderBytecode, [in] SIZE_T BytecodeLength, [out] ID3D10PixelShader **ppPixelShader) | ID3D10Device | |
CreatePredicate([in] const D3D10_QUERY_DESC *pPredicateDesc, [out] ID3D10Predicate **ppPredicate) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateQuery([in] const D3D10_QUERY_DESC *pQueryDesc, [out] ID3D10Query **ppQuery) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateRasterizerState([in] const D3D10_RASTERIZER_DESC *pRasterizerDesc, [out] ID3D10RasterizerState **ppRasterizerState) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateRenderTargetView([in] ID3D10Resource *pResource, [in] const D3D10_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC *pDesc, [out] ID3D10RenderTargetView **ppRTView) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateSamplerState([in] const D3D10_SAMPLER_DESC *pSamplerDesc, [out] ID3D10SamplerState **ppSamplerState) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateShaderResourceView([in] ID3D10Resource *pResource, [in] const D3D10_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC *pDesc, [out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView **ppSRView) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateTexture1D([in] const D3D10_TEXTURE1D_DESC *pDesc, [in] const D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *pInitialData, [out] ID3D10Texture1D **ppTexture1D) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateTexture2D([in] const D3D10_TEXTURE2D_DESC *pDesc, [in] const D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *pInitialData, [out] ID3D10Texture2D **ppTexture2D) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateTexture3D([in] const D3D10_TEXTURE3D_DESC *pDesc, [in] const D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA *pInitialData, [out] ID3D10Texture3D **ppTexture3D) | ID3D10Device | |
CreateVertexShader([in] const void *pShaderBytecode, [in] SIZE_T BytecodeLength, [out] ID3D10VertexShader **ppVertexShader) | ID3D10Device | |
Draw([in] UINT VertexCount, [in] UINT StartVertexLocation) | ID3D10Device | |
DrawAuto() | ID3D10Device | |
DrawIndexed([in] UINT IndexCount, [in] UINT StartIndexLocation, [in] INT BaseVertexLocation) | ID3D10Device | |
DrawIndexedInstanced([in] UINT IndexCountPerInstance, [in] UINT InstanceCount, [in] UINT StartIndexLocation, [in] INT BaseVertexLocation, [in] UINT StartInstanceLocation) | ID3D10Device | |
DrawInstanced([in] UINT VertexCountPerInstance, [in] UINT InstanceCount, [in] UINT StartVertexLocation, [in] UINT StartInstanceLocation) | ID3D10Device | |
Flush() | ID3D10Device | |
GenerateMips([in] ID3D10ShaderResourceView *pShaderResourceView) | ID3D10Device | |
GetCreationFlags() | ID3D10Device | |
GetDeviceRemovedReason() | ID3D10Device | |
GetExceptionMode() | ID3D10Device | |
GetPredication([out] ID3D10Predicate **ppPredicate, [out] BOOL *pPredicateValue) | ID3D10Device | |
GetPrivateData([in] REFGUID guid, [in, out] UINT *pDataSize, [out] void *pData) | ID3D10Device | |
GetTextFilterSize([out] UINT *pWidth, [out] UINT *pHeight) | ID3D10Device | |
GSGetConstantBuffers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumBuffers, [out] ID3D10Buffer **ppConstantBuffers) | ID3D10Device | |
GSGetSamplers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumSamplers, [out] ID3D10SamplerState **ppSamplers) | ID3D10Device | |
GSGetShader([out] ID3D10GeometryShader **ppGeometryShader) | ID3D10Device | |
GSGetShaderResources([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumViews, [out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView **ppShaderResourceViews) | ID3D10Device | |
GSSetConstantBuffers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumBuffers, [in] ID3D10Buffer *const *ppConstantBuffers) | ID3D10Device | |
GSSetSamplers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumSamplers, [in] ID3D10SamplerState *const *ppSamplers) | ID3D10Device | |
GSSetShader([in] ID3D10GeometryShader *pShader) | ID3D10Device | |
GSSetShaderResources([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumViews, [in] ID3D10ShaderResourceView *const *ppShaderResourceViews) | ID3D10Device | |
IAGetIndexBuffer([out] ID3D10Buffer **pIndexBuffer, [out] DXGI_FORMAT *Format, [out] UINT *Offset) | ID3D10Device | |
IAGetInputLayout([out] ID3D10InputLayout **ppInputLayout) | ID3D10Device | |
IAGetPrimitiveTopology([out] D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY *pTopology) | ID3D10Device | |
IAGetVertexBuffers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumBuffers, [out] ID3D10Buffer **ppVertexBuffers, [out] UINT *pStrides, [out] UINT *pOffsets) | ID3D10Device | |
IASetIndexBuffer([in] ID3D10Buffer *pIndexBuffer, [in] DXGI_FORMAT Format, [in] UINT Offset) | ID3D10Device | |
IASetInputLayout([in] ID3D10InputLayout *pInputLayout) | ID3D10Device | |
IASetPrimitiveTopology([in] D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY Topology) | ID3D10Device | |
IASetVertexBuffers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumBuffers, [in] ID3D10Buffer *const *ppVertexBuffers, [in] const UINT *pStrides, [in] const UINT *pOffsets) | ID3D10Device | |
LPUNKNOWN typedef | IUnknown | |
OMGetBlendState([out] ID3D10BlendState **ppBlendState, [out] FLOAT BlendFactor[4], [out] UINT *pSampleMask) | ID3D10Device | |
OMGetDepthStencilState([out] ID3D10DepthStencilState **ppDepthStencilState, [out] UINT *pStencilRef) | ID3D10Device | |
OMGetRenderTargets([in] UINT NumViews, [out] ID3D10RenderTargetView **ppRenderTargetViews, [out] ID3D10DepthStencilView **ppDepthStencilView) | ID3D10Device | |
OMSetBlendState([in] ID3D10BlendState *pBlendState, [in] const FLOAT BlendFactor[4], [in] UINT SampleMask) | ID3D10Device | |
OMSetDepthStencilState([in] ID3D10DepthStencilState *pDepthStencilState, [in] UINT StencilRef) | ID3D10Device | |
OMSetRenderTargets([in] UINT NumViews, [in] ID3D10RenderTargetView *const *ppRenderTargetViews, [in] ID3D10DepthStencilView *pDepthStencilView) | ID3D10Device | |
OpenSharedResource([in] HANDLE hResource, [in] REFIID ReturnedInterface, [out] void **ppResource) | ID3D10Device | |
PSGetConstantBuffers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumBuffers, [out] ID3D10Buffer **ppConstantBuffers) | ID3D10Device | |
PSGetSamplers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumSamplers, [out] ID3D10SamplerState **ppSamplers) | ID3D10Device | |
PSGetShader([out] ID3D10PixelShader **ppPixelShader) | ID3D10Device | |
PSGetShaderResources([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumViews, [out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView **ppShaderResourceViews) | ID3D10Device | |
PSSetConstantBuffers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumBuffers, [in] ID3D10Buffer *const *ppConstantBuffers) | ID3D10Device | |
PSSetSamplers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumSamplers, [in]ID3D10SamplerState *const *ppSamplers) | ID3D10Device | |
PSSetShader([in] ID3D10PixelShader *pPixelShader) | ID3D10Device | |
PSSetShaderResources([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumViews, [in] ID3D10ShaderResourceView *const *ppShaderResourceViews) | ID3D10Device | |
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) | IUnknown | |
Release() | IUnknown | |
ResolveSubresource([in] ID3D10Resource *pDstResource, [in] UINT DstSubresource, [in] ID3D10Resource *pSrcResource, [in] UINT SrcSubresource, [in] DXGI_FORMAT Format) | ID3D10Device | |
RSGetScissorRects([in, out] UINT *NumRects, [out] D3D10_RECT *pRects) | ID3D10Device | |
RSGetState([out] ID3D10RasterizerState **ppRasterizerState) | ID3D10Device | |
RSGetViewports([in, out] UINT *NumViewports, [out] D3D10_VIEWPORT *pViewports) | ID3D10Device | |
RSSetScissorRects([in] UINT NumRects, [in] const D3D10_RECT *pRects) | ID3D10Device | |
RSSetState([in] ID3D10RasterizerState *pRasterizerState) | ID3D10Device | |
RSSetViewports([in] UINT NumViewports, [in] const D3D10_VIEWPORT *pViewports) | ID3D10Device | |
SetExceptionMode([in] UINT RaiseFlags) | ID3D10Device | |
SetPredication([in] ID3D10Predicate *pPredicate, [in] BOOL PredicateValue) | ID3D10Device | |
SetPrivateData([in] REFGUID guid, [in] UINT DataSize, [in] const void *pData) | ID3D10Device | |
SetPrivateDataInterface([in] REFGUID guid, [in] const IUnknown *pData) | ID3D10Device | |
SetTextFilterSize([in] UINT Width, [in] UINT Height) | ID3D10Device | |
SOGetTargets([in] UINT NumBuffers, [out] ID3D10Buffer **ppSOTargets, [out] UINT *pOffsets) | ID3D10Device | |
SOSetTargets([in] UINT NumBuffers, [in] ID3D10Buffer *const *ppSOTargets, [in] const UINT *pOffsets) | ID3D10Device | |
UpdateSubresource([in] ID3D10Resource *pDstResource, [in] UINT DstSubresource, [in] const D3D10_BOX *pDstBox, [in] const void *pSrcData, [in] UINT SrcRowPitch, [in] UINT SrcDepthPitch) | ID3D10Device | |
VSGetConstantBuffers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumBuffers, [out] ID3D10Buffer **ppConstantBuffers) | ID3D10Device | |
VSGetSamplers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumSamplers, [out] ID3D10SamplerState **ppSamplers) | ID3D10Device | |
VSGetShader([out] ID3D10VertexShader **ppVertexShader) | ID3D10Device | |
VSGetShaderResources([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumViews, [out] ID3D10ShaderResourceView **ppShaderResourceViews) | ID3D10Device | |
VSSetConstantBuffers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumBuffers, [in] ID3D10Buffer *const *ppConstantBuffers) | ID3D10Device | |
VSSetSamplers([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumSamplers, [in] ID3D10SamplerState *const *ppSamplers) | ID3D10Device | |
VSSetShader([in] ID3D10VertexShader *pVertexShader) | ID3D10Device | |
VSSetShaderResources([in] UINT StartSlot, [in] UINT NumViews, [in] ID3D10ShaderResourceView *const *ppShaderResourceViews) | ID3D10Device |