ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-732-g2d1144a
This is the complete list of members for FxIoQueue, including all inherited members.
__drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) VOID ProcessAcknowledgedRequests(__in FxRequest *Request | FxIoQueue | |
__drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) VOID ProcessIdleComplete(__out PKIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | private |
__drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) VOID ProcessPurgeComplete(__out PKIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | private |
__drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) VOID ProcessReadyNotify(__out PKIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | private |
__drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) BOOLEAN ProcessCancelledRequests(__out PKIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | private |
__drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) BOOLEAN ProcessCancelledRequestsOnQueue(__out PKIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | private |
__drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) BOOLEAN ProcessPowerEvents(__out PKIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | private |
_Acquires_lock_(this->m_NPLock.m_Lock) __drv_maxIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) __drv_setsIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) VOID Lock(__out __drv_deref(__drv_savesIRQL) PKIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
_Acquires_lock_(this->m_NPLock.m_Lock) __drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) VOID LockAtDispatch(VOID) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
_CleanupPointer(__in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxObject *Object) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_Create(__in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS DriverGlobals, __in_opt PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, __in PWDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG Config, __in_opt FxDriver *Caller, __in FxPkgIo *PkgIo, __in BOOLEAN InitialPowerStateOn, __deref_out FxIoQueue **Object) | FxIoQueue | static |
_DeferredDispatchDpcThunk | FxIoQueue | protectedstatic |
_DeferredDispatchThreadThunk | FxIoQueue | protectedstatic |
_DereferenceActual(__in WDFOBJECT Object, __in_opt PVOID Tag, __in LONG Line, __in PSTR File) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_FromDisposeEntry(__in PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY Entry) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_FromIoPkgListEntry(__in PLIST_ENTRY Entry) | FxIoQueue | inlinestatic |
_FromPowerSListEntry(__in PSINGLE_LIST_ENTRY Entry) | FxIoQueue | inlinestatic |
_GetBase(__in FxObject *Object) | FxObject | inlineprotectedstatic |
_GetDebugBase(__in FxObject *Object) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_GetEffectiveLock(__in FxObject *Object, __in_opt IFxHasCallbacks *Callbacks, __in BOOLEAN AutomaticLocking, __in BOOLEAN PassiveCallbacks, __out FxCallbackLock **CallbackLock, __out_opt FxObject **CallbackLockObject) | FxObject | static |
_GetObjectFromHandle(__in WDFOBJECT Handle, __inout PWDFOBJECT_OFFSET ObjectOffset) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_IdleComplete | FxIoQueue | protectedstatic |
_IrpCancelForDriver | FxIoQueue | protectedstatic |
_IrpCancelForQueue | FxIoQueue | protectedstatic |
_ObjectQuery(_In_ FxObject *Object, _In_ CONST GUID *Guid, _In_ ULONG QueryBufferLength, _Out_writes_bytes_(QueryBufferLength) PVOID QueryBuffer) | FxObject | static |
_PurgeComplete | FxIoQueue | protectedstatic |
_ReferenceActual(__in WDFOBJECT Object, __in_opt PVOID Tag, __in LONG Line, __in PSTR File) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_Releases_lock_(this->m_SpinLock.m_Lock) VOID CancelForQueue(__in FxRequest *pRequest | FxIoQueue | |
_Releases_lock_(this->m_SpinLock.m_Lock) __drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) BOOLEAN DispatchEvents(__in __drv_restoresIRQL KIRQL PreviousIrql | FxIoQueue | |
_Releases_lock_(this->m_SpinLock.m_Lock) __drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) __inline VOID DispatchInternalEvents(__in __drv_restoresIRQL KIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | inline |
FxNonPagedObject::_Releases_lock_(this->m_NPLock.m_Lock) __drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) __inline VOID Unlock(__in __drv_restoresIRQL KIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
_Requires_lock_held_(this->m_NPLock.m_Lock) _Releases_lock_(this -> m_NPLock.m_Lock) __drv_requiresIRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL) __inline VOID UnlockFromDispatch(VOID) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
_ToHandle(__in FxObject *Object) | FxObject | inlinestatic |
_WdmCancelRoutineForReservedIrp | FxIoQueue | protectedstatic |
_When_(Unlock, _Releases_lock_(this->m_SpinLock.m_Lock)) __drv_when(Unlock | FxObject | private |
AddChildObjectInternal(__in FxObject *ChildObject) | FxObject | private |
AddContext(__in FxContextHeader *Header, __in PVOID *Context, __in PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes) | FxObject | |
AddRef(__in_opt PVOID Tag=NULL, __in LONG Line=0, __in_opt PSTR File=NULL) | FxObject | inline |
AddRefOverride(__in WDFOBJECT_OFFSET Offset, __in_opt PVOID Tag=NULL, __in LONG Line=0, __in_opt PSTR File=NULL) | FxObject | inlinevirtual |
AllocateReservedRequest(__deref_out FxRequest **Request) | FxIoQueue | |
AllocateTagTracker(__in WDFTYPE Type) | FxObject | protected |
AssignForwardProgressPolicy(__in PWDF_IO_QUEUE_FORWARD_PROGRESS_POLICY Policy) | FxIoQueue | |
AssignParentObject(__in FxObject *ParentObject) | FxObject | |
CallCleanup(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
CallCleanupCallbacks(VOID) | FxObject | private |
CancelForDriver(__in FxRequest *pRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
CancelIrps(__in PLIST_ENTRY IrpListHead) | FxIoQueue | private |
CanDefer | FxObject | private |
CanDefer | FxObject | private |
CanThreadDispatchEventsLocked(__in KIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | |
CheckTransitionFromEmpty(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
ClearEvtCallbacks(VOID) | FxObject | |
Commit(__in_opt PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, __out_opt WDFOBJECT *ObjectHandle, __in_opt FxObject *Parent=NULL, __in BOOLEAN AssignDriverAsDefaultParent=TRUE) | FxObject | |
Committed | FxObject | |
ConfigureConstraints(__in_opt PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, __in_opt FxDriver *Caller) | FxIoQueue | |
Construct(__in BOOLEAN Embedded) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
DeferredDispatchRequestsFromDpc(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
DeferredDispatchRequestsFromWorkerThread(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
DeferredDisposeWorkItem(VOID) | FxObject | private |
DeleteCalled | FxObject | |
DeleteEarlyDisposedObject(VOID) | FxObject | protected |
DeleteFromFailedCreate(VOID) | FxObject | |
DeleteObject(VOID) | FxObject | virtual |
DestroyChildren(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotected |
DispatchRequestToDriver(__in FxRequest *pRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
Dispose(VOID) | FxIoQueue | virtual |
EarlyDispose(VOID) | FxObject | |
EarlyDisposedExt | FxObject | |
FatalError(__in NTSTATUS Status) | FxIoQueue | |
FinalRelease(VOID) | FxObject | private |
FlushByFileObject(__in MdFileObject FileObject) | FxIoQueue | |
FlushQueuedDpcs(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
ForceDisposeThread | FxObject | |
ForwardRequest(__in FxIoQueue *pDestQueue, __in FxRequest *pRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
ForwardRequestToParent(__in FxIoQueue *DestQueue, __in FxRequest *Request, __in PWDF_REQUEST_FORWARD_OPTIONS ForwardOptions) | FxIoQueue | |
ForwardRequestWorker(__in FxRequest *Request, __in FxIoQueue *DestQueue) | FxIoQueue | |
FreeAllReservedRequests(__in BOOLEAN Verify) | FxIoQueue | private |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1(VOID, VerifyCancelForDriver, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1(VOID, VerifyValidateCompletedRequest, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1(NTSTATUS, VerifyGetRequestUpdateFlags, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1(VOID, VerifyGetRequestRestoreFlags, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1(NTSTATUS, VerifyPeekRequest, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1(NTSTATUS, VerifyRequeue, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P1_EX(, SHORT, 0, VerifyForwardRequestUpdateFlags, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P2(NTSTATUS, VerifyForwardRequest, _In_ FxIoQueue *, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P2(NTSTATUS, VerifyQueueDriverCreatedRequest, _In_ FxRequest *, _Inout_ SHORT *) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P2(NTSTATUS, VerifyRequestCancelable, _In_ FxRequest *, _In_ BOOLEAN) | FxIoQueue | |
FX_DECLARE_VF_FUNCTION_P2(NTSTATUS, VerifyForwardRequestToParent, _In_ FxIoQueue *, _In_ FxRequest *) | FxIoQueue | |
FxDisposeList | FxObject | private |
FxIoQueue(__in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxPkgIo *PkgIo) | FxIoQueue | |
FxNonPagedObject(__in WDFTYPE Type, __in USHORT Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
FxNonPagedObject(__in WDFTYPE Type, __in USHORT Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxObjectType ObjectType) | FxNonPagedObject | inline |
FxObject(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
FxObject(__in WDFTYPE Type, __in USHORT Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxObjectType ObjectType) | FxObject | protected |
FxObject(__in WDFTYPE Type, __in USHORT Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals) | FxObject | |
GetCallbackLockPtr(__deref_out FxObject **LockObject) | FxIoQueue | inlinevirtual |
IFxHasCallbacks::GetCallbackLockPtr(__out_opt FxObject **LockObject)=0 | IFxHasCallbacks | privatepure virtual |
GetCOMWrapper() | FxObject | inline |
GetConstraints(__out WDF_EXECUTION_LEVEL *ExecutionLevel, __out WDF_SYNCHRONIZATION_SCOPE *SynchronizationScope) | FxIoQueue | inlinevirtual |
GetContextHeader(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetCxDeviceInfo(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inline |
GetDebugExtension(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotected |
GetDevice(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inline |
GetDeviceBase(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetDriver(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inline |
GetDriverGlobals(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetForwardProgressIrpLocked(__in_opt PFILE_OBJECT FileObject) | FxIoQueue | private |
GetForwardProgressIrps(__in PLIST_ENTRY IrpListHead, __in_opt MdFileObject FileObject) | FxIoQueue | private |
GetHandle(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inline |
GetObjectHandle(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetObjectHandleUnchecked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotected |
GetObjectSize(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetPackage(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inline |
GetParentObjectReferenced(__in PVOID Tag) | FxObject | |
GetRefCnt(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetRequest(__in_opt MdFileObject FileObject, __in_opt FxRequest *TagRequest, __deref_out FxRequest **pOutRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
GetRequestCount(__out_opt PULONG pQueuedRequests, __out_opt PULONG pDriverPendingRequests) | FxIoQueue | |
GetReservedRequest(__in MdIrp Irp, __deref_out_opt FxRequest **ReservedRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
GetState(__out_opt PULONG pQueueCount, __out_opt PULONG pDriverCount) | FxIoQueue | |
GetTagTracker(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
GetTriageInfo | FxIoQueue | friend |
GetType(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
HasDebug | FxObject | |
Initialize(__in PWDF_IO_QUEUE_CONFIG pConfig, __in_opt PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES QueueAttributes, __in_opt FxDriver *Caller, __in BOOLEAN InitialPowerStateOn) | FxIoQueue | |
InsertInDriverOwnedList(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
InsertNewRequest(__in FxRequest **Request, __in KIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
InsertNewRequestLocked(__deref_in FxRequest **Request, __in KIRQL PreviousIrql) | FxIoQueue | private |
InsertQueueDpc(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
InvokeAllocateResourcesCallback(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxIoQueue | inline |
IsCommitted(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
IsDebug(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotected |
IsDisposed(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
IsForceDisposeThread(__in BOOLEAN AcquireLock=TRUE) | FxObject | inline |
IsForceDisposeThreadLocked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
IsForwardProgressQueue(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inline |
IsIoEventHandlerRegistered(__in WDF_REQUEST_TYPE RequestType) | FxIoQueue | |
IsNoDeleteDDI(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
IsPagingIo(__in MdIrp Irp) | FxIoQueue | private |
IsPassiveCallbacks(__in BOOLEAN AcquireLock=TRUE) | FxObject | inline |
IsPassiveCallbacksLocked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
IsPassiveDispose(__in BOOLEAN AcquireLock=TRUE) | FxObject | inline |
IsPassiveDisposeLocked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
IsPowerManaged() | FxIoQueue | inline |
IsPowerStateNotifyingDriver(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
IsState(__in WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE State) | FxIoQueue | inline |
IsState(__in FX_IO_QUEUE_STATE State) | FxIoQueue | inline |
IsTraceState(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
m_AllowZeroLengthRequests | FxIoQueue | private |
m_CallbackLockObjectPtr | FxIoQueue | private |
m_CallbackLockPtr | FxIoQueue | private |
m_CallbackMutexLock | FxIoQueue | private |
m_CallbackSpinLock | FxIoQueue | private |
m_CancelDispatchedRequests | FxIoQueue | private |
m_CanceledOnQueueList | FxIoQueue | private |
m_Cancelled | FxIoQueue | private |
m_ChildEntry | FxObject | private |
m_ChildListHead | FxObject | private |
m_COMWrapper | FxObject | private |
m_Configured | FxIoQueue | private |
m_CxDeviceInfo | FxIoQueue | private |
m_Deleted | FxIoQueue | private |
m_Device | FxObject | |
m_DeviceBase | FxObject | |
m_Dispatching | FxIoQueue | private |
m_DisposeSingleEntry | FxObject | private |
m_Disposing | FxIoQueue | private |
m_Dpc | FxIoQueue | private |
m_DpcQueued | FxIoQueue | private |
m_DriverCancelable | FxIoQueue | private |
m_DriverIoCount | FxIoQueue | private |
m_DriverOwned | FxIoQueue | private |
m_ExecutionLevel | FxIoQueue | private |
m_FinishDisposing | FxIoQueue | private |
m_ForceTransitionFromEmptyWhenAddingNewRequest | FxIoQueue | private |
m_FwdProgContext | FxIoQueue | private |
m_Globals | FxObject | private |
m_IdleComplete | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IdleCompleteContext | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoCancelCallbackLockPtr | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoCanceledOnQueue | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoDefault | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoDeviceControl | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoInternalDeviceControl | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoPkgListNode | FxIoQueue | |
m_IoRead | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoResume | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoStop | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IoWrite | FxIoQueue | private |
m_IsDevicePowerPolicyOwner | FxIoQueue | private |
m_MaxParallelQueuePresentedRequests | FxIoQueue | private |
m_NPLock | FxNonPagedObject | private |
m_ObjectFlags | FxObject | |
m_ObjectFlagsByName | FxObject | |
m_ObjectSize | FxObject | private |
m_ObjectState | FxObject | private |
m_ParentObject | FxObject | private |
m_PassiveLevel | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PkgIo | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PowerDriverNotified | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PowerIdle | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PowerManaged | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PowerNotify | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PowerReferenced | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PowerSListEntry | FxIoQueue | |
m_PowerState | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PurgeComplete | FxIoQueue | private |
m_PurgeCompleteContext | FxIoQueue | private |
m_Queue | FxIoQueue | private |
m_QueueState | FxIoQueue | private |
m_ReadyNotify | FxIoQueue | private |
m_ReadyNotifyContext | FxIoQueue | private |
m_Refcnt | FxObject | private |
m_RequestWaitEventUm | FxIoQueue | private |
m_RequeueDeferredDispatcher | FxIoQueue | private |
m_SpinLock | FxObject | private |
m_SupportForwardProgress | FxIoQueue | private |
m_SynchronizationScope | FxIoQueue | private |
m_SystemWorkItem | FxIoQueue | private |
m_TransitionFromEmpty | FxIoQueue | private |
m_TwoPhaseCompletions | FxIoQueue | private |
m_Type | FxIoQueue | private |
m_WorkItemQueued | FxIoQueue | private |
MarkCommitted(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
MarkDeleteCalledLocked(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
MarkDisposeOverride(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkForceDisposeThread(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkNoDeleteDDI(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkPassiveCallbacks(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkPassiveDispose(__in FxObjectLockState State=ObjectLock) | FxObject | inline |
MarkTraceState(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
NewRequest | FxIoQueue | |
NoDeleteDDI | FxObject | |
OldIrql | FxObject | private |
OldIrql | FxObject | private |
operator delete(__in PVOID Memory) | FxObject | |
operator new(__in size_t Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in FxObjectType Type) | FxObject | inline |
operator new(__in size_t Size, __in PFX_DRIVER_GLOBALS FxDriverGlobals, __in_opt PWDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes, __in USHORT ExtraSize=0) | FxObject | inline |
ParentDeleteEvent(VOID) | FxObject | private |
PassiveCallbacks | FxObject | |
PassiveDispose | FxObject | |
PeekRequest(__in_opt FxRequest *TagRequest, __in_opt MdFileObject FileObject, __out_opt PWDF_REQUEST_PARAMETERS Parameters, __deref_out FxRequest **pOutRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
PerformEarlyDispose(VOID) | FxObject | private |
PostRemoveFromDriverOwnedList(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
PostRequestCompletedCallback(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxIoQueue | inline |
PreRemoveFromDriverOwnedList(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
PreRequestCompletedCallback(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxIoQueue | inline |
PreviousIrql | FxIoQueue | |
PreviousIrql | FxIoQueue | |
ProcessDestroy(VOID) | FxObject | private |
PurgeForwardProgressIrps(__in_opt MdFileObject FileObject) | FxIoQueue | private |
PutBackReservedRequest(__in FxRequest *ReservedRequest) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
QueryInterface(__in FxQueryInterfaceParams *Params) | FxIoQueue | inlinevirtual |
QueueDeferredDisposeLocked(__in FxObjectState NewDeferedState) | FxObject | private |
QueueDrain(__in_opt PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE DrainComplete, __in_opt WDFCONTEXT Context) | FxIoQueue | |
QueueDrainSynchronously(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
QueueDriverCreatedRequest(__in FxRequest *Request, __in BOOLEAN ParentQueue) | FxIoQueue | |
QueueForwardProgressIrpLocked(__in MdIrp Irp) | FxIoQueue | private |
QueueIdle(__in BOOLEAN CancelQueueRequests, __in_opt PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE IdleComplete, __in_opt WDFCONTEXT Context) | FxIoQueue | |
QueueIdleSynchronously(__in BOOLEAN CancelRequests) | FxIoQueue | |
QueuePurge(__in BOOLEAN CancelQueueRequests, __in BOOLEAN CancelDriverRequests, __in_opt PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE PurgeComplete, __in_opt WDFCONTEXT Context) | FxIoQueue | |
QueuePurgeSynchronously(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
QueueRequest(__in FxRequest *pRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
QueueRequestFromForward(__in FxRequest *pRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
QueueStart(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
ReadyNotify(__in PFN_WDF_IO_QUEUE_STATE QueueReady, __in_opt WDFCONTEXT Context) | FxIoQueue | |
Release(__in_opt PVOID Tag=NULL, __in LONG Line=0, __in_opt PSTR File=NULL) | FxObject | inlinevirtual |
ReleaseOverride(__in WDFOBJECT_OFFSET Offset, __in_opt PVOID Tag=NULL, __in LONG Line=0, __in_opt PSTR File=NULL) | FxObject | inlinevirtual |
RemoveChildObjectInternal(__in FxObject *ChildObject) | FxObject | private |
RemoveFromDriverOwnedList(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
RemoveParentAssignment(VOID) | FxObject | |
RemoveParentAssociation(VOID) | FxObject | private |
RequestCancelable(__in FxRequest *pRequest, __in BOOLEAN Cancelable, __in_opt PFN_WDF_REQUEST_CANCEL EvtRequestCancel, __in BOOLEAN FailIfIrpIsCancelled) | FxIoQueue | |
RequestCompletedCallback(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxIoQueue | inline |
RequestCompleteEvent(__in FxRequest *Request) | FxIoQueue | |
Requeue(__in FxRequest *pRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
ResetStateForRestart(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
ResumeProcessingForPower(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
ReturnReservedRequest(__in FxRequest *ReservedRequest) | FxIoQueue | |
SelfDestruct(VOID) | FxObject | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SetCOMWrapper(__drv_aliasesMem PVOID Wrapper) | FxObject | inline |
SetCxDeviceInfo(__in FxCxDeviceInfo *CxDeviceInfo) | FxIoQueue | inline |
SetDeviceBase(__in CfxDeviceBase *DeviceBase) | FxObject | inline |
SetInterruptQueue(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inline |
SetNoContextHeader(VOID) | FxObject | inline |
SetObjectStateLocked(__in FxObjectState NewState) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
SetPowerState(__in FXIOQUEUE_POWER_STATE PowerState) | FxIoQueue | inline |
SetState(__in FX_IO_QUEUE_SET_STATE NewStatus) | FxIoQueue | |
SetStateForShutdown(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
SetTransitionFromEmpty(VOID) | FxIoQueue | inlineprivate |
ShouldDeferDisposeLocked(__out_opt PKIRQL PreviousIrql=NULL) | FxObject | inlineprivate |
StartPowerTransitionOff(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
StartPowerTransitionOn(VOID) | FxIoQueue | |
StopProcessingForPower(__in FxIoStopProcessingForPowerAction Action) | FxIoQueue | |
TraceDroppedEvent(__in FxObjectDroppedEvent Event) | FxObject | inline |
TraceState | FxObject | |
UfxObject | FxObject | private |
Unlock | FxObject | private |
Unused | FxObject | |
VerifierVerifyFwdProgListsLocked(VOID) | FxIoQueue | private |
~FxIoQueue() | FxIoQueue | virtual |
~FxNonPagedObject(VOID) | FxNonPagedObject | inlinevirtual |
~FxObject(VOID) | FxObject | virtual |