5#define CURRENT_VERSION _T("0.20+")
6#define EMAIL _T("nedko@users.sourceforge.net")
11#define PRODUCT_NAME _T("Registry Explorer")
13#define HELLO_MSG _T("ReactOS ") PRODUCT_NAME _T(" version ") CURRENT_VERSION _T("\n")\
14 _T("License is GNU GPL. Type `help gpl` for details.\n\n")
16#define NOWARANTY_MSG _T("Registry Explorer comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n")\
17 _T("This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n")\
18 _T("under certain conditions; type `help gpl' for details.\n")
20#define COPYRIGHT_MSG _T("Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Nedko Arnaudov\n")
22#define CREDITS_MSG _T("Registry Explorer is written by Nedko Arnaudov\n")\
23 _T("Special thanks to ReactOS team.\n")
25#define BUGS_MSG _T("Please report bugs to ") EMAIL _T("\n")
35#define GOODBYE_MSG _T("\nThank you for using Registry Explorer !!!\n")
38#define COMMAND_LENGTH(cmd) _tcslen(cmd)
40#define PROMPT_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
42#define COMMAND_NA_ON_ROOT _T(" is not applicable to root key.\n")
44#define SETTINGS_REGISTRY_KEY _T("Software\\Registry Explorer\\")
45#define NORMAL_TEXT_ATTRIBUTES_VALUE_NAME _T("Normal Text Color")
46#define COMMAND_TEXT_ATTRIBUTES_VALUE_NAME _T("Command Text Color")
47#define PROMPT_VALUE_NAME _T("Prompt")
49#define DEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHAR _T('^')