ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-715-ga1a169f
ITfProperty Member List

This is the complete list of members for ITfProperty, including all inherited members.

Clear([in] TfEditCookie ec, [in] ITfRange *pRange)ITfProperty
EnumRanges([in] TfEditCookie ec, [out] IEnumTfRanges **ppEnum, [in] ITfRange *pTargetRange)ITfReadOnlyProperty
FindRange([in] TfEditCookie ec, [in] ITfRange *pRange, [out] ITfRange **ppRange, [in] TfAnchor aPos)ITfProperty
GetContext([out] ITfContext **ppContext)ITfReadOnlyProperty
GetType([out] GUID *pguid)ITfReadOnlyProperty
GetValue([in] TfEditCookie ec, [in] ITfRange *pRange, [out] VARIANT *pvarValue)ITfReadOnlyProperty
LPUNKNOWN typedefIUnknown
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)IUnknown
SetValue([in] TfEditCookie ec, [in] ITfRange *pRange, [in] const VARIANT *pvarValue)ITfProperty
SetValueStore([in] TfEditCookie ec, [in] ITfRange *pRange, [in] ITfPropertyStore *pPropStore)ITfProperty