ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-2-g02a6913
This is the complete list of members for ATL::CTime, including all inherited members.
CTime() noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
CTime(__time64_t time) noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
CTime(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec, int nDST=-1) | ATL::CTime | inline |
CTime(WORD wDosDate, WORD wDosTime, int nDST=-1) | ATL::CTime | inline |
CTime(const SYSTEMTIME &st, int nDST=-1) noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
CTime(const FILETIME &ft, int nDST=-1) | ATL::CTime | inline |
CTime(const DBTIMESTAMP &dbts, int nDST=-1) noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
Format(LPCTSTR pszFormat) const | ATL::CTime | inline |
Format(UINT nFormatID) const | ATL::CTime | inline |
FormatGmt(LPCTSTR pszFormat) const | ATL::CTime | inline |
FormatGmt(UINT nFormatID) const | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetAsDBTIMESTAMP(DBTIMESTAMP &dbts) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetAsSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME &st) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetCurrentTime() noexcept | ATL::CTime | inlinestatic |
GetDay() const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetDayOfWeek() const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetGmtTm(struct tm *ptm) const | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetHour() const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetLocalTm(struct tm *ptm) const | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetMinute() const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetMonth() const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetSecond() const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetTime() const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
GetYear() | ATL::CTime | inline |
m_nTime | ATL::CTime | private |
operator!=(CTime time) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator+(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator+=(CTimeSpan span) noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator-(CTimeSpan timeSpan) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator-(CTime time) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator-=(CTimeSpan span) noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator<(CTime time) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator<=(CTime time) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator=(__time64_t time) noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator==(CTime time) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator>(CTime time) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |
operator>=(CTime time) const noexcept | ATL::CTime | inline |