ReactOS 0.4.16-dev-746-g329a414
This is the complete list of members for StdType::IPicture, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | IUnknown | |
Attributes | StdType::IPicture | |
CurDC | StdType::IPicture | |
Handle | StdType::IPicture | |
Height | StdType::IPicture | |
hPal | StdType::IPicture | |
KeepOriginalFormat | StdType::IPicture | |
LPUNKNOWN typedef | IUnknown | |
PictureChanged() | StdType::IPicture | |
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject) | IUnknown | |
Release() | IUnknown | |
Render([in] int hdc, [in] long x, [in] long y, [in] long cx, [in] long cy, [in] OLE_XPOS_HIMETRIC xSrc, [in] OLE_YPOS_HIMETRIC ySrc, [in] OLE_XSIZE_HIMETRIC cxSrc, [in] OLE_YSIZE_HIMETRIC cySrc, [in] void *prcWBounds) | StdType::IPicture | |
SaveAsFile([in] void *pstm, [in] VARIANT_BOOL fSaveMemCopy, [out] long *pcbSize) | StdType::IPicture | |
SelectPicture([in] int hdcIn, [out] int *phdcOut, [out] OLE_HANDLE *phbmpOut) | StdType::IPicture | |
SetHdc([in] OLE_HANDLE hdc) | StdType::IPicture | |
Type | StdType::IPicture | |
Width | StdType::IPicture |