ReactOS 0.4.15-dev-8092-ge0ba2f3
ITfFnLMProcessor Member List

This is the complete list of members for ITfFnLMProcessor, including all inherited members.

GetReconversion([in] ITfRange *pRange, [out] ITfCandidateList **ppCandList)ITfFnLMProcessor
InvokeFunc([in] ITfContext *pic, [in] REFGUID refguidFunc)ITfFnLMProcessor
InvokeKey([in] BOOL fUp, [in] WPARAM vKey, [in] LPARAM lparamKeyData)ITfFnLMProcessor
LPUNKNOWN typedefIUnknown
QueryInterface([in] REFIID riid, [out, iid_is(riid)] void **ppvObject)IUnknown
QueryKey([in] BOOL fUp, [in] WPARAM vKey, [in] LPARAM lparamKeydata, [out] BOOL *pfInterested)ITfFnLMProcessor
QueryLangID([in] LANGID langid, [out] BOOL *pfAccepted)ITfFnLMProcessor
QueryRange([in] ITfRange *pRange, [out] ITfRange **ppNewRange, [out] BOOL *pfAccepted)ITfFnLMProcessor
Reconvert([in] ITfRange *pRange)ITfFnLMProcessor