ReactOS 0.4.15-dev-8100-g1887773
pnp Member List

This is the complete list of members for pnp, including all inherited members.

PNP_AddEmptyLogConf([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulPriority, [out] DWORD *pulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_AddID([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszID, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_AddResDes([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [out] DWORD *pulResourceTag, [in, size_is(ResourceLen)] BYTE *ResourceData, [in] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE ResourceLen, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_Connect([in] handle_t hBinding)pnp
PNP_CreateDevInst([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, out, string, size_is(ulLength)] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszParentDeviceID, [in] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN ulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_CreateKey([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszSubKey, [in] DWORD samDesired, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_DeleteClassKey([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszClassGuid, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_DeleteRegistryKey([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszParentKey, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszChildKey, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_DetectResourceConflict([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [in, size_is(ResourceLen)] BYTE *ResourceData, [in] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE ResourceLen, [out] BOOL *pbConflictDetected, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_DeviceInstanceAction([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DWORD ulMajorAction, [in] DWORD ulMinorAction, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszDeviceInstance1, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszDeviceInstance2)pnp
PNP_DisableDevInst([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in, out, unique] PPNP_VETO_TYPE pVetoType, [in, out, string, unique, size_is(ulNameLength)] LPWSTR pszVetoName, [in] DWORD ulNameLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_Disconnect([in] handle_t hBinding)pnp
PNP_EnumerateSubKeys([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DWORD ulBranch, [in] DWORD ulIndex, [out, string, size_is(ulLength)] LPWSTR Buffer, [in] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN ulLength, [out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulRequiredLen, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_FreeLogConf([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [in] DWORD ulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_FreeResDes([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [in] DWORD ulResourceTag, [out] DWORD *pulPreviousResType, [out] DWORD *pulPreviousResTag, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetBlockedDriverInfo([in] handle_t hBinding, [out, size_is(*pulLength), length_is(*pulTransferLen)] BYTE *Buffer, [out] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE *pulTransferLen, [in, out] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE *pulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetClassCount([in] handle_t hBinding, [out] DWORD *pulClassCount, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetClassInstance([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceId, [out, string, size_is(ulLength)] LPWSTR pszClassInstance, [in] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN ulLength)pnp
PNP_GetClassName([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszClassGuid, [out, string, size_is(*pulLength)] LPWSTR Buffer, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetClassRegProp([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszClassGuid, [in] DWORD ulProperty, [in, out] DWORD *pulRegDataType, [out, size_is(*pulTransferLen), length_is(*pulTransferLen)] BYTE *Buffer, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulTransferLen, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetCustomDevProp([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR CustomPropName, [out] DWORD *pulRegDataType, [out, size_is(*pulLength), length_is(*pulTransferLen)] BYTE *Buffer, [out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulTransferLen, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetDepth([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [out] DWORD *pulDepth, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetDeviceList([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszFilter, [out, size_is(*pulLength), length_is(*pulLength)] LPWSTR Buffer, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetDeviceListSize([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszFilter, [out] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE *pulLen, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetDeviceRegProp([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulProperty, [in, out] DWORD *pulRegDataType, [out, size_is(*pulTransferLen), length_is(*pulTransferLen)] BYTE *Buffer, [in, out] PNP_PROP_SIZE *pulTransferLen, [in, out] PNP_PROP_SIZE *pulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetDeviceStatus([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [out] DWORD *pulStatus, [out] DWORD *pulProblem, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetFirstLogConf([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [out] DWORD *pulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetGlobalState([in] handle_t hBinding, [out] DWORD *pulState, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetHwProfInfo([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DWORD ulIndex, [in, out, ref] HWPROFILEINFO *pHWProfileInfo, [in, range(0, 168)] DWORD ulProfileInfoSize, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetInterfaceDeviceAlias([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszInterfaceDevice, [in] GUID *AliasInterfaceGuid, [out, string, size_is(*pulTransferLen)] LPWSTR pszAliasInterfaceDevice, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulLength, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulTransferLen, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetInterfaceDeviceList([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] GUID *InterfaceGuid, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [out, size_is(*pulLength), length_is(*pulLength)] BYTE *Buffer, [in, out] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE *pulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetInterfaceDeviceListSize([in] handle_t hBinding, [out] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE *pulLen, [in] GUID *InterfaceGuid, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetLogConfPriority([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulType, [in] DWORD ulTag, [out] DWORD *pPriority, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetNextLogConf([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [in] DWORD ulCurrentTag, [out] DWORD *pulNextTag, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetNextResDes([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [in] DWORD ulResourceTag, [out] DWORD *pulNextResType, [out] DWORD *pulNextResTag, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetRelatedDeviceInstance([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DWORD ulRelationship, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [out, string, size_is(*pulLength)] LPWSTR pRelatedDeviceId, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetResDesData([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [in] DWORD ulResourceTag, [out, size_is(BufferLen)] BYTE *Buffer, [in] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE BufferLen, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetResDesDataSize([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [in] DWORD ulResourceTag, [out] DWORD *pulSize, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetRootDeviceInstance([in] handle_t hBinding, [out, string, size_is(ulLength)] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN ulLength)pnp
PNP_GetServerSideDeviceInstallFlags([in] handle_t hBinding, [out] DWORD *pulSSDIFlags, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_GetVersion([in] handle_t hBinding, [out] WORD *pVersion)pnp
PNP_GetVersionInternal([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, out] WORD *pwVersion)pnp
PNP_HwProfFlags([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DWORD ulAction, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulConfig, [in, out] DWORD *pulValue, [in, out, unique] PPNP_VETO_TYPE pVetoType, [in, out, string, unique, size_is(ulNameLength)] LPWSTR pszVetoName, [in] DWORD ulNameLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_InitDetection([in] handle_t hBinding)pnp
PNP_IsDockStationPresent([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, out, unique] BOOL *Present)pnp
PNP_ModifyResDes([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulLogConfTag, [in] DWORD ulLogConfType, [in] RESOURCEID CurrentResourceID, [in] RESOURCEID NewResourceID, [in] DWORD ulResourceTag, [in, size_is(ResourceLen)] BYTE *ResourceData, [in] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE ResourceLen, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_QueryArbitratorFreeData([in] handle_t hBinding, [out, size_is(DataLen)] BYTE *pData, [in] DWORD DataLen, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_QueryArbitratorFreeSize([in] handle_t hBinding, [out] DWORD *pulSize, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_QueryRemove([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [in, out, unique] PPNP_VETO_TYPE pVetoType, [in, out, string, unique, size_is(ulNameLength)] LPWSTR pszVetoName, [in] DWORD ulNameLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_QueryResConfList([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] RESOURCEID ResourceID, [in, size_is(ResourceLen)] BYTE *ResourceData, [in] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE ResourceLen, [out, size_is(BufferLen)] BYTE *Buffer, [in] PNP_RPC_BUFFER_SIZE BufferLen, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_RegisterDeviceClassAssociation([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [in] GUID *InterfaceGuid, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszReference, [out, string, size_is(*pulTransferLen)] LPWSTR pszSymLink, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulLength, [in, out] PNP_RPC_STRING_LEN *pulTransferLen, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_RegisterDriver([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_RegisterNotification([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DWORD_PTR hRecipient, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszName, [in, size_is(ulNotificationFilterSize)] BYTE *pNotificationFilter, [in] DWORD ulNotificationFilterSize, [in] DWORD ulFlags, [out] PPNP_NOTIFY_HANDLE pNotifyHandle, [in] DWORD ulProcessId, [in] DWORD *pulUnknown9)pnp
PNP_ReportLogOn([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] BOOL Admin, [in] DWORD ProcessId)pnp
PNP_RequestDeviceEject([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszDeviceID, [in, out, unique] PPNP_VETO_TYPE pVetoType, [in, out, string, unique, size_is(ulNameLength)] LPWSTR pszVetoName, [in] DWORD ulNameLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_RequestEjectPC([in] handle_t hBinding)pnp
PNP_RunDetection([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_SetClassRegProp([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pszClassGuid, [in] DWORD ulProperty, [in] DWORD ulDataType, [in, size_is(ulLength)] BYTE *Buffer, [in] PNP_PROP_SIZE ulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_SetDeviceProblem([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulProblem, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_SetDeviceRegProp([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceId, [in] DWORD ulProperty, [in] DWORD ulDataType, [in, size_is(ulLength)] BYTE *Buffer, [in] PNP_PROP_SIZE ulLength, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_SetHwProf([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] DWORD ulHardwareProfile, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_UninstallDevInst([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_UnregisterDeviceClassAssociation([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, unique] LPWSTR pszInterfaceDevice, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp
PNP_UnregisterNotification([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, out] PPNP_NOTIFY_HANDLE pNotifyHandle)pnp
PNP_ValidateDeviceInstance([in] handle_t hBinding, [in, string, ref] LPWSTR pDeviceID, [in] DWORD ulFlags)pnp